Systematic effects on lensing reconstruction from a patchwork of CMB polarization maps

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa

| First 5 Authors: Ryo Nagata, Toshiya Namikawa, , ,

| Summary:

We investigate the tolerance for systematic errors in lensing analysis
applied to a patchwork map of Cosmic Microwave Background polarization. We
focus on the properties of the individual polarization maps that comprise the
patchwork and discuss the associated calibration residuals that are coherent on
those subpatches. We numerically simulate the polarization field modulated as a
whole patchwork and apply a suite of lensing analyses to reveal the response of
the reconstructed gravitational lensing potential and delensing efficiency. At
systematic error levels expected in the near future, we find that it is
possible to accurately reconstruct the lensing potential on scales larger than
the subpatch size and that there is no severe degradation of the lensing
$B$-mode removal efficiency in the subsequent delensing analysis.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Toshiya Namikawa”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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