Joint Optimization of Buffer Delay and HARQ for Video Communications

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng

| First 5 Authors: Baoping Cheng, Peng Lei, Xiaoyan Xie, Tao Fu, Yukun Zhang

| Summary:

To improve the quality of experience (QoE) in video communication over lossy
networks, this paper presents a transmission method that jointly optimizes
buffer delay and Hybrid Automatic Repeat request (HARQ), referred to as
BD-HARQ. This method operates on packet group and employs dynamic buffer delay
combined with HARQ strategy for transmission. By defining the QoE based on
metrics such as buffer delay, Forward Error Correction (FEC) redundancy, and
data recovery rate, the proposed method derives its closed-form expression
through rigorous mathematical modeling and analysis. The optimal transmission
parameters, i.e., the buffer delay and the FEC redundancy, are then determined
and implemented, guaranteeing the real-time performance, transmission
efficiency, and data recovery rate of video communication. Experimental results
demonstrate that the proposed method aligns well with its theoretical
expectations, and that it can provide up to 13.7% higher QoE compared to
existing methods and increase the tolerance for packet loss rate from 15%-22%
to up to 31% while maintaining a high QoE.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Cheng Peng”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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