Kavli Affiliate: Matthew P. A. Fisher
| First 5 Authors: Kaixiang Su, Abhijat Sarma, Marcus Bintz, Thomas Kiely, Yimu Bao
| Summary:
We demonstrate that, starting with a simple fermion wave function, the steady
mixed state of the evolution of a class of Lindbladians, and the ensemble
created by strong local measurement of fermion density without post-selection
can be mapped to the "Gutzwiller projected" wave functions in the doubled
Hilbert space — the representation of the density matrix through the
Choi-Jamiolkowski isomorphism. A Gutzwiller projection is a broadly used
approach of constructing spin liquid states. For example, if one starts with a
gapless free Dirac fermion pure quantum state, the constructed mixed state
corresponds to an algebraic spin liquid in the doubled Hilbert space. We also
predict that for some initial fermion wave function, the mixed state created
following the procedure described above is expected to have a spontaneous
"strong-to-weak" U(1) symmetry breaking, which corresponds to the emergence of
superconductivity in the doubled Hilbert space. We also design the experimental
protocol to construct the desired physics of mixed states.
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