Analysis of Polarized Dust Emission from the First Flight of the SPIDER Balloon-Borne Telescope

Kavli Affiliate: Chao-Lin Kuo

| First 5 Authors: SPIDER Collaboration, P. A. R. Ade, M. Amiri, S. J. Benton, A. S. Bergman

| Summary:

Using data from the first flight of SPIDER and from Planck HFI, we probe the
properties of polarized emission from interstellar dust in the SPIDER observing
region. Component separation algorithms operating in both the spatial and
harmonic domains are applied to probe their consistency and to quantify
modeling errors associated with their assumptions. Analyses spanning the full
SPIDER region demonstrate that i) the spectral energy distribution of diffuse
Galactic dust emission is broadly consistent with a modified-blackbody (MBB)
model with a spectral index of $beta_mathrm{d}=1.45pm0.05$ $(1.47pm0.06)$
for $E$ ($B$)-mode polarization, slightly lower than that reported by Planck
for the full sky; ii) its angular power spectrum is broadly consistent with a
power law; and iii) there is no significant detection of line-of-sight
decorrelation of the astrophysical polarization. The size of the SPIDER region
further allows for a statistically meaningful analysis of the variation in
foreground properties within it. Assuming a fixed dust temperature
$T_mathrm{d}=19.6$ K, an analysis of two independent sub-regions of that field
results in inferred values of $beta_mathrm{d}=1.52pm0.06$ and
$beta_mathrm{d}=1.09pm0.09$, which are inconsistent at the $3.9,sigma$
level. Furthermore, a joint analysis of SPIDER and Planck 217 and 353 GHz data
within a subset of the SPIDER region is inconsistent with a simple MBB at more
than $3,sigma$, assuming a common morphology of polarized dust emission over
the full range of frequencies. These modeling uncertainties have a small–but
non-negligible–impact on limits on the cosmological tensor-to-scalar ratio
derived from the spider dataset. The fidelity of the component separation
approaches of future CMB polarization experiments may thus have a significant
impact on their constraining power.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”C. L. Kuo”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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