Modeling X-Ray Multi-Reflection in Super-Eddington Winds

Kavli Affiliate: Erin Kara

| First 5 Authors: Zijian Zhang, Lars Lund Thomsen, Lixin Dai, Christopher S. Reynolds, Javier A. GarcĂ­a

| Summary:

It has been recently discovered that a few super-Eddington sources undergoing
black hole super-Eddington accretion exhibit X-ray reflection signatures. In
such new systems, one expects that the coronal X-ray emissions are mainly
reflected by optically thick super-Eddington winds instead of thin disks. In
this paper, we conduct a series of general relativistic ray-tracing and Monte
Carlo radiative transfer simulations to model the X-ray reflection signatures,
especially the characteristic Fe K$alpha$ line, produced from super-Eddington
accretion flows. In particular, we allow the photons emitted by a lamppost
corona to be reflected multiple times in a cone-like funnel surrounded by fast
winds. We find that the Fe K$alpha$ line profile most sensitively depends on
the wind kinematics, while its exact shape also depends on the funnel open
angle and corona height. Furthermore, very interestingly, we find that the Fe
K$alpha$ line can have a prominent double-peak profile in certain parameter
spaces even with a face-on orientation. Moreover, we compare the Fe K$alpha$
line profiles produced from super-Eddington and thin disks and show that such
lines can provide important insights into the understanding of black hole
systems undergoing super-Eddington accretion.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Erin Kara”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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