TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b: Two Giant Planets Transiting M Dwarf Stars

Kavli Affiliate: George R. Ricker

| First 5 Authors: Joel D. Hartman, Daniel Bayliss, Rafael Brahm, Edward M. Bryant, Andrés Jordán

| Summary:

We present the discovery of TOI 762 A b and TIC 46432937 b, two giant planets
transiting M dwarf stars. Transits of both systems were first detected from
observations by the NASA TESS mission, and the transiting objects are confirmed
as planets through high-precision radial velocity (RV) observations carried out
with VLT/ESPRESSO. TOI 762 A b is a warm sub-Saturn with a mass of 0.251 +-
0.042 M_J, a radius of 0.744 +- 0.017 R_J, and an orbital period of 3.4717 d.
It transits a mid-M dwarf star with a mass of 0.442 +- 0.025 M_S and a radius
of 0.4250 +- 0.0091 R_S. The star TOI 762 A has a resolved binary star
companion TOI 762 B that is separated from TOI 762 A by 3.2" (~ 319 AU) and has
an estimated mass of 0.227 +- 0.010 M_S. The planet TIC 46432937 b is a warm
Super-Jupiter with a mass of 3.20 +- 0.11 M_J and radius of 1.188 +- 0.030 R_J.
The planet’s orbital period is P = 1.4404 d, and it undergoes grazing transits
of its early M dwarf host star, which has a mass of 0.563 +- 0.029 M_S and a
radius of 0.5299 +- 0.0091 R_S. TIC 46432937 b is one of the highest mass
planets found to date transiting an M dwarf star. TIC 46432937 b is also a
promising target for atmospheric observations, having the highest Transmission
Spectroscopy Metric or Emission Spectroscopy Metric value of any known warm
Super-Jupiter (mass greater than 3.0 M_J, equilibrium temperature below 1000

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