TESS Investigation — Demographics of Young Exoplanets (TI-DYE) II: a second giant planet in the 17-Myr system HIP 67522

Kavli Affiliate: Sara Seager

| First 5 Authors: Madyson G. Barber, Pa Chia Thao, Andrew W. Mann, Andrew Vanderburg, Mayuko Mori

| Summary:

The youngest ($<$50 Myr) planets are vital to understand planet formation and
early evolution. The 17 Myr system HIP 67522 is already known to host a giant
($simeq$10$R_oplus$) planet on a tight orbit. In the discovery paper, Rizzuto
et al. 2020 reported a tentative single transit detection of an additional
planet in the system using TESS. Here, we report the discovery of HIP 67522 c
which matches with that single transit event. We confirm the signal with
ground-based multi-wavelength photometry from Sinistro and MuSCAT4. At a period
of 14.33 days, planet c is close to a 2:1 mean motion resonance with b (6.96
days or 2.06:1). The light curve shows distortions during many of the transits,
which are consistent with spot crossing events and/or flares. Fewer stellar
activity events are seen in the transits of planet b, suggesting that planet c
is crossing a more active latitude. Such distortions, combined with systematics
in the TESS light curve extraction, likely explain why planet c was previously

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