Simulating FRB Morphologies and Coherent Phase Correlation Signatures from Multi-Plane Astrophysical Lensing

Kavli Affiliate: Kiyoshi W. Masui

| First 5 Authors: Zarif Kader, Matt Dobbs, Calvin Leung, Kiyoshi W. Masui, Mawson W. Sammons

| Summary:

Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs), like pulsars, display radio emission from compact
regions such that they can be treated as point sources. As this radiation
propagates through space, they encounter sources of lensing such as a
gravitational field of massive objects or inhomogeneous changes in the electron
density of cold plasma. We have developed a simulation tool to generate these
lensing morphologies through coherent propagation transfer functions generated
by phase coherent geometric optics on a spatial grid. In the limit an FRB can
be treated as a point source, the ray paths from the FRB to the observer are
phase coherent. Each image will have a time delay and magnification that will
alter the emitted frequency-temporal morphology of the FRB to that which is
observed. The interference of these images could also decohere the observed
phase properties of the images, affecting any phase related searches such as
searching for the auto-correlation of the observed FRB voltage with other
images in time. We present analytic test cases to demonstrate that the
simulation can model qualitative properties. We provide example multi-plane
lensing systems to show the capabilities of the simulation in modeling the
lensed morphology of an FRB and observed phase coherence.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Kiyoshi W. Masui”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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