HD 21520 b: a warm sub-Neptune transiting a bright G dwarf

Kavli Affiliate: Avi Shporer

| First 5 Authors: Molly Nies, Ismael Mireles, François Bouchy, Diana Dragomir, Belinda A. Nicholson

| Summary:

We report the discovery and validation of HD 21520 b, a transiting planet
found with TESS and orbiting a bright G dwarf (V=9.2, $T_{eff} = 5871 pm 62$
K, $R_{star} = 1.04pm 0.02, R_{odot}$). HD 21520 b was originally alerted
as a system (TOI-4320) consisting of two planet candidates with periods of
703.6 and 46.4 days. However, our analysis supports instead a single-planet
system with an orbital period of $25.1292pm0.0001$ days and radius of $2.70
pm 0.09, R_{oplus}$. Three full transits in sectors 4, 30 and 31 match this
period and have transit depths and durations in agreement with each other, as
does a partial transit in sector 3. We also observe transits using CHEOPS and
LCOGT. SOAR and Gemini high-resolution imaging do not indicate the presence of
any nearby companions, and MINERVA-Australis and CORALIE radial velocities rule
out an on-target spectroscopic binary. Additionally, we use ESPRESSO radial
velocities to obtain a tentative mass measurement of $7.9^{+3.2}_{-3.0},
M_{oplus}$, with a 3-$sigma$ upper limit of 17.7 $M_{oplus}$. Due to the
bright nature of its host and likely significant gas envelope of the planet, HD
21520 b is a promising candidate for further mass measurements and for
atmospheric characterization.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Avi Shporer”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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