Possible mixing of a diquark-antidiquark with a $p bar p$ hadronic molecule

Kavli Affiliate: Jonathan L. Rosner

| First 5 Authors: Marek Karliner, Jonathan L. Rosner, , ,

| Summary:

We discuss the possibility that the two nearby resonances observed by BESIII
partially below the ,$pbar p$, threshold might be due to mixing between two
metastable states with the same $J^{PC}=0^{-+}$ quantum numbers, but rather
different internal structure. One is a $p bar p$ hadronic molecule and the
other a bound state of a light-quark diquark and an antidiquark, both with spin
1 and isospin 0, a composite color antitriplet and triplet, respectively. The
doubling of resonances, one of which may be interpreted as a hadronic molecule,
while the other arises from $q bar q$ annihilation in a state with vacuum
quantum numbers may be a more general feature than the specific case considered

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Jonathan L. Rosner”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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