Realization of a cold atom gyroscope in space

Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang

| First 5 Authors: Jinting Li, Xi Chen, Danfang Zhang, Wenzhang Wang, Yang Zhou

| Summary:

High precision gyroscopes in space are important for sophisticated scientific
experiments and deep space navigation. Microgravity in the space provides an
ideal condition for operation of a cold atom gyroscope. To demonstrate this
advantage, an atom interferometer (AI) was launched and installed in the China
Space Station in 2022. Here reported is a realization of the cold atom
gyroscope with this AI. By applying point source interferometry, spatial
fringes are obtained and acceleration and rotation are extracted. The angles of
the Raman lasers are precisely calibrated to avoid measurement error, and other
systematic errors are also considered for the rotation measurement. The
evaluated rotation measurement is (-115.64+/-1.71)*10^-5 rad/s in space, and an
acceleration measurement resolution of 1.03*10^-6 m/s^2 is also obtained for a
single image. This study conducts the first AI-based gyroscope in space and
paves a way for future space-based AI experiments.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Long Zhang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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