Spontaneous Conducting Boundary Channels in 1T-TaS$_{2}$

Kavli Affiliate: Joel E. Moore

| First 5 Authors: T. R. Devidas, Jonathan T. Reichanadter, Shannon C. Haley, Matan Sterenberg, Joel E. Moore

| Summary:

Materials that transition between metal and insulator, the two opposing
states that distinguish all solids, are fascinating because they underlie many
mysteries in the physics of the solid state. In 1T-TaS$_{2}$, the
metal-insulator transition is linked to a series of metastable states of a
chiral charge density wave whose basic nature is still an open question. In
this work, we show that pulses of current through these materials create
current-carrying boundary channels that distinguish the metallic and insulating
states. We demonstrate electrical control of these channels’ properties,
suggesting their formation could be due to the complex interplay of the
formation of domain walls and the viscous flow of electrons. Our findings show
that physical boundaries play a key role in the properties of the metastable
states of the metal-insulator transition, highlighting new possibilities for
in-situ electrical design and active manipulation of electrical components.

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