In-situ Doppler-free spectroscopy and laser frequency stabilization based on time-division multiplexing differential saturated absorption

Kavli Affiliate: Xiang Zhang

| First 5 Authors: Yuxin Wang, Zhiyue Zheng, Qiuxin Zhang, Yonglang Lai, Zongqi Ge

| Summary:

We introduce a novel time-division multiplexing differential saturated
absorption spectroscopy (TDMDSAS) approach, providing superior accuracy and
stability in Doppler-free spectroscopy. By distinguishing probe and reference
fields in the temporal domain, TDMDSAS efficiently suppresses Doppler
broadening and common-mode optical noise. We utilized this technology to
determine the absolute frequency of diverse neutral Yb isotopes across its
$6s^2 ^{1}S_0to 6s6p ^{1}P_1$ transitions. Furthermore, the first-ever
observation of in-situ Doppler-free Zeeman sub-level spectra was accomplished,
enabling the determination of magnetic field gradients. We stabilized a UV
diode laser at 399 nm using an error signal derived from the spectral
first-derivative demodulated signal of $^{174}mathrm{Yb}$. This technique
yielded a frequency stability of up to 15 kHz with a 40 s averaging time and a
standard deviation of around 180 kHz over a half-hour period. Given its low
cost, straightforward, and scalable nature, TDMDSAS holds excellent potential
in metrology and quantum applications.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Xiang Zhang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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