Digital Quantum Simulation of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics: Insights from Superconducting and Trapped Ion Quantum Testbeds

Kavli Affiliate: Irfan Siddiqi

| First 5 Authors: Alex H. Rubin, Brian Marinelli, Victoria A. Norman, Zainab Rizvi, Ashlyn D. Burch

| Summary:

We explore the potential for hybrid development of quantum hardware where
currently available quantum computers simulate open Cavity Quantum
Electrodynamical (CQED) systems for applications in optical quantum
communication, simulation and computing. Our simulations make use of a recent
quantum algorithm that maps the dynamics of a singly excited open
Tavis-Cummings model containing N atoms coupled to a lossy cavity. We report
the results of executing this algorithm on two noisy intermediate-scale quantum
computers: a superconducting processor and a trapped ion processor, to simulate
the population dynamics of an open CQED system featuring N = 3 atoms. By
applying technology-specific transpilation and error mitigation techniques, we
minimize the impact of gate errors, noise, and decoherence in each hardware
platform, obtaining results which agree closely with the exact solution of the
system. These results can be used as a recipe for efficient and
platform-specific quantum simulation of cavity-emitter systems on contemporary
and future quantum computers.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Irfan Siddiqi”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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