Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang
| First 5 Authors: Hong-Hao Song, Long Zhang, , ,
| Summary:
The boundary critical behavior of the two-dimensional (2D) quantum
antiferromagnetic (AF) XXZ model coupled with either a dangling spin-1/2 XXZ
chain or a dangling two-leg ladder on the boundary is studied with the
bosonization and renormalization group analysis. A rich boundary phase diagram
is obtained in each case. In the dangling chain case, the boundary either
develops a long-range AF order in the easy-plane or the easy-axis direction
with extraordinary critical behavior, or has a valence bond solid order with
ordinary boundary critical behavior. In the case of a dangling two-leg ladder,
besides the possible easy-plane or easy-axis AF ordered phases on the boundary
with extraordinary critical behavior, the boundary can form a singlet phase
with ordinary critical behavior without breaking any symmetry. These results
are consistent with recent numerical simulations on the boundary critical
behavior of 2D quantum spin models.
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