Diverse molecular gas excitations in quasar host galaxies at z sim 6

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang

| First 5 Authors: Jianan Li, Ran Wang, Antonio Pensabene, Fabian Walter, Bram P. Venemans

| Summary:

We present observations using the NOrthern Extended Millimetre Array (NOEMA)
of CO and $rm H_{2}O$ emission lines, and the underlying dust continuum in two
quasars at $z sim 6$, i.e., P215-16 at $z$ = 5.78 and J1429+5447 at $z$ =
6.18. Notably, among all published CO SLEDs of quasars at $z sim 6$, the two
systems reveal the highest and the lowest CO level of excitation, respectively.
Our radiative transfer modeling of the CO SLED of P215-16 suggests that the
molecular gas heated by AGN could be a plausible origin for the high CO
excitation. For J1429+5447, we obtain the first well-sampled CO SLED (from
transitions from 2-1 to 10-9) of a radio-loud quasar at $zgtrsim 6$. Analysis
of the CO SLED suggests that a single photo-dissociation region (PDR) component
could explain the CO excitation in the radio-loud quasar J1429+5447. This work
highlights the utility of the CO SLED in uncovering the ISM properties in these
young quasar-starburst systems at the highest redshift. The diversity of the CO
SLEDs reveals the complexities in gas conditions and excitation mechanisms at
their early evolutionary stage.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Ran Wang”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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