Pronounced early differentiation underlies zebra finch gonadal germ cell development

Kavli Affiliate: Erich Jarvis | First 5 Authors: Matthew T Biegler, Kirubel Belay, Wei Wang, Christina Szi, Paul G Collier, Ji-Dung Luo, Bettina Haase, Gregory L. Gedman, Asha V. Sidhu, Elijah Harter, Carlos Rivera-Lopez, Kwame Amoako-Boadu, Olivier Fedrigo, Hagen U. Tilgner, Thomas T Carroll, Erich D. Jarvis and Anna L. Keyte | Summary: The diversity […]

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On the Identifiability from Modulo Measurements under DFT Sensing Matrix

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Qi Zhang, Jiang Zhu, Fengzhong Qu, Zheng Zhu, De Wen Soh | Summary: Modulo sampling (MS) has been recently introduced to enhance the dynamic range of conventional ADCs by applying a modulo operator before sampling. This paper examines the identifiability of a measurement model where measurements are […]

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On the Identifiability from Modulo Measurements under DFT Sensing Matrix

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Qi Zhang, Jiang Zhu, Fengzhong Qu, Zheng Zhu, De Wen Soh | Summary: Unlimited sampling was recently introduced to deal with the clipping or saturation of measurements where a modulo operator is applied before sampling. In this paper, we investigate the identifiability of the model where measurements […]

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Spin current generation due to differential rotation

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Shunichiro Kinoshita, Norihiro Tanahashi, Shin Nakamura, Mamoru Matsuo | Summary: We study nonequilibrium spin dynamics in differentially rotating systems, deriving an effective Hamiltonian for conduction electrons in the comoving frame. In contrast to conventional spin current generation mechanisms that require vorticity, our theory describes spins […]

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Spin current generation due to differential rotation

Kavli Affiliate: Mamoru Matsuo | First 5 Authors: Takumi Funato, Shunichiro Kinoshita, Norihiro Tanahashi, Shin Nakamura, Mamoru Matsuo | Summary: We study nonequilibrium spin dynamics in differentially rotating systems, deriving an effective Hamiltonian for conduction electrons in the comoving frame. In contrast to conventional spin current generation mechanisms that require vorticity, our theory describes spins […]

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