Dual-Band Observations of the Asymmetric Ring around CIDA 9A: Dead or Alive?

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg

| First 5 Authors: Daniel Harsono, Feng Long, Paola Pinilla, Alessia A. Rota, Carlo F. Manara

| Summary:

While the most exciting explanation of the observed dust asymmetries in
protoplanetary disks is the presence of protoplanets, other mechanisms can also
form the dust features. This paper presents dual-wavelength Atacama Large
Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) observations of a large asymmetric dusty
ring around the M-type star CIDA 9A. We detect a dust asymmetry in both 1.3 mm
and 3.1 mm data. To characterize the asymmetric structure, a parametric model
is used to fit the observed visibilities. We report a tentative azimuthal shift
of the dust emission peaks between the observations at the two wavelengths.
This shift is consistent with a dust trap caused by a vortex, which may be
formed by an embedded protoplanet or other hydrodynamical instabilities, such
as a dead zone. Deep high-spatial observations of dust and molecular gas are
needed to constrain the mechanisms that formed the observed millimeter cavity
and dust asymmetry in the protoplanetary disk around CIDA 9A.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Gregory J. Herczeg”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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