Electrical detection of interfacial exchange field at the (ferromagnetic insulator)|(normal metal) interface using spin-dependent scattering

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Prasanta Muduli, Naëmi Leo, Mingran Xu, Zheng Zhu, Jorge Puebla | Summary: The spin-orbit field and interfacial exchange field are two major interface phenomena, and the detection and manipulation of these fields can enable a variety of nanoscale spintronics devices. Optimizing the interfacial exchange field, which governs […]

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Non-equilibrium spin polarisation via interfacial exchange-field spin filtering

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Prasanta Muduli, Naëmi Leo, Mingran Xu, Zheng Zhu, Jorge Puebla | Summary: A key phenomenon that enables nanoscale spintronic devices is the efficient inter-conversion between spin and charge degrees of freedom. Here, we experimentally demonstrate a pathway to generate current-induced spin polarization at the interface between an […]

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Unified Single-Stage Transformer Network for Efficient RGB-T Tracking

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Jianqiang Xia, DianXi Shi, Ke Song, Linna Song, XiaoLei Wang | Summary: Most existing RGB-T tracking networks extract modality features in a separate manner, which lacks interaction and mutual guidance between modalities. This limits the network’s ability to adapt to the diverse dual-modality appearances of targets and […]

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Nanodevice-Enabled Near-Field Thermal Radiation between Sub-Wavelength Surfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Xiao Luo, Hakan Salihoglu, Zexiao Wang, Zhuo Li, Hyeonggyun Kim | Summary: With the continuous advancement of nanotechnology, nanodevices have become crucial components in computing, sensing and energy conversion applications. However, the structures of nanodevices typically possess sub-wavelength dimensions and separations, which pose significant challenges for understanding […]

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