Invariant neural dynamics drive commands to control different movements

Kavli Affiliate: Rui Costa | Authors: Vivek Ravindra Athalye, Preeya Khanna, Suraj Gowda, Amy L Orsborn, Rui M Costa and Jose M Carmena | Summary: It has been proposed that the nervous system has the capacity to generate a wide variety of movements because it re-uses some invariant code. Previous work has identified that dynamics […]

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Exploring Ultralight Scalar Assistance in Sterile Neutrino Dark Matter: Cold Spectrum and Unusual X/Gamma-ray Signatures

Kavli Affiliate: Jia Liu | First 5 Authors: Yuxuan He, Jia Liu, Xiaolin Ma, Xiao-Ping Wang, | Summary: We present a scalar-driven sterile neutrino production model where the interaction with the ultralight scalar field modifies the oscillation production of sterile neutrinos in the early universe. The model effectively suppresses the production of sterile neutrinos at […]

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