Advances in Data-Driven Analysis and Synthesis of 3D Indoor Scenes

Kavli Affiliate: Matthew Fisher

| First 5 Authors: Akshay Gadi Patil, Supriya Gadi Patil, Manyi Li, Matthew Fisher, Manolis Savva

| Summary:

This report surveys advances in deep learning-based modeling techniques that
address four different 3D indoor scene analysis tasks, as well as synthesis of
3D indoor scenes. We describe different kinds of representations for indoor
scenes, various indoor scene datasets available for research in the
aforementioned areas, and discuss notable works employing machine learning
models for such scene modeling tasks based on these representations.
Specifically, we focus on the analysis and synthesis of 3D indoor scenes. With
respect to analysis, we focus on four basic scene understanding tasks — 3D
object detection, 3D scene segmentation, 3D scene reconstruction and 3D scene
similarity. And for synthesis, we mainly discuss neural scene synthesis works,
though also highlighting model-driven methods that allow for human-centric,
progressive scene synthesis. We identify the challenges involved in modeling
scenes for these tasks and the kind of machinery that needs to be developed to
adapt to the data representation, and the task setting in general. For each of
these tasks, we provide a comprehensive summary of the state-of-the-art works
across different axes such as the choice of data representation, backbone,
evaluation metric, input, output, etc., providing an organized review of the
literature. Towards the end, we discuss some interesting research directions
that have the potential to make a direct impact on the way users interact and
engage with these virtual scene models, making them an integral part of the

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