Action Pick-up in Dynamic Action Space Reinforcement Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Wang

| Authors: Jiaqi Ye, Xiaodong Li, Pangjing Wu, Feng Wang

| Summary:

Most reinforcement learning algorithms are based on a key assumption that
Markov decision processes (MDPs) are stationary. However, non-stationary MDPs
with dynamic action space are omnipresent in real-world scenarios. Yet problems
of dynamic action space reinforcement learning have been studied by many
previous works, how to choose valuable actions from new and unseen actions to
improve learning efficiency remains unaddressed. To tackle this problem, we
propose an intelligent Action Pick-up (AP) algorithm to autonomously choose
valuable actions that are most likely to boost performance from a set of new
actions. In this paper, we first theoretically analyze and find that a prior
optimal policy plays an important role in action pick-up by providing useful
knowledge and experience. Then, we design two different AP methods:
frequency-based global method and state clustering-based local method, based on
the prior optimal policy. Finally, we evaluate the AP on two simulated but
challenging environments where action spaces vary over time. Experimental
results demonstrate that our proposed AP has advantages over baselines in
learning efficiency.

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