Probing the interplay between jets, winds and multi-phase gas in 11 radio-quiet PG Quasars: A uGMRT-VLA study

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho

| First 5 Authors: Silpa S., P. Kharb, Luis C. Ho, C. M. Harrison,

| Summary:

We present polarization-sensitive images from the Karl G. Jansky Very Large
Array (VLA) at 5 GHz of 11 radio-quiet PG quasars. Based on the radio
morphology, spectral index and polarization properties from the VLA study,
coupled with the findings of our previous 685 MHz uGMRT data, we find the
presence of low-powered jets on sub-arcsecond and arcsecond scales in 9
sources; some show signatures of bent jets. The origin of radio emission
remains unclear in the remaining 2 sources. Of the 11 sources, linear
polarization is detected in four of them with fractional polarization ranging
between 2% and 25%. In PG 1229+204, the inferred B-field direction is parallel
to the local kpc-scale jet direction. The inferred B-fields are transverse to
the weak southward extension in PG 0934+013. For PG 0050+124 and PG 0923+129,
the relationship between the B-field structure and radio outflow direction
remains unclear. Localized or small-scale jet-medium interactions can be
inferred across the sample based on the VLA jet kinetic power arguments and
polarization data. These may have the potential as a feedback mechanism. We
find that the radio properties do not show strong correlations with the star
formation, [O~III] and CO quantities published in the literature. The lack of
evidence of AGN feedback on the global galaxy properties could be due to the
relative time scales of AGN activity and those over which any impact might be
taking place.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Luis C. Ho”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=3

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