The Prime Focus Spectrograph Galaxy Evolution Survey

Kavli Affiliate: John Silverman

| First 5 Authors: Jenny Greene, Rachel Bezanson, Masami Ouchi, John Silverman, the PFS Galaxy Evolution Working Group

| Summary:

We present the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) Galaxy Evolution pillar of the
360-night PFS Subaru Strategic Program. This 130-night program will capitalize
on the wide wavelength coverage and massive multiplexing capabilities of PFS to
study the evolution of typical galaxies from cosmic dawn to the present. From
Lyman alpha emitters at z~7 to probe reionization, drop-outs at z~3 to map the
inter-galactic medium in absorption, and a continuum-selected sample at z~1.5,
we will chart the physics of galaxy evolution within the evolving cosmic web.
This article is dedicated to the memory of Olivier Le Fevre, who was an early
advocate for the construction of PFS, and a key early member of the Galaxy
Evolution Working Group.

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