CMB power spectra and cosmological parameters from Planck PR4 with CamSpec

Kavli Affiliate: George Efstathiou

| First 5 Authors: Erik Rosenberg, Steven Gratton, George Efstathiou, ,

| Summary:

We present angular power spectra and cosmological parameter constraints
derived from the Planck PR4 (NPIPE) maps of the Cosmic Microwave Background.
NPIPE, released by the Planck Collaboration in 2020, is a new processing
pipeline for producing calibrated frequency maps from Planck data. We have
created new versions of the CamSpec likelihood using these maps and applied
them to constrain LCDM and single-parameter extensions. We find excellent
consistency between NPIPE and the Planck 2018 maps at the parameter level,
showing that the Planck cosmology is robust to substantial changes in the
mapmaking. The lower noise of NPIPE leads to 10% tighter constraints, and we
see both smaller error bars and a shift toward the LCDM values for beyond-LCDM
parameters including Omega_K and A_Lens.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”George Efstathiou”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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