Measuring quasi-normal mode amplitudes with misaligned binary black hole ringdowns

Kavli Affiliate: Scott A. Hughes

| First 5 Authors: Halston Lim, Gaurav Khanna, Scott A. Hughes, ,

| Summary:

In recent work, we examined how different modes in the ringdown phase of a
binary coalescence are excited as a function of the final plunge geometry. At
least in the large mass ratio limit, we found a clean mapping between angles
describing the plunge and the amplitude of different quasi-normal modes (QNMs)
which constitute the ringdown. In this study, we use that mapping to construct
a waveform model expressed as a sum of QNMs where the mode amplitudes and
phases are determined by the source plunge parameters. We first generate a
large number of calibration waveforms and interpolate between fits of each mode
amplitude and phase up to $ell leq 8$ and $ell – |m| leq 4$. The density of
our calibration data allows us to resolve important features such as phase
transition discontinuities at large misalignments. Using our ringdown waveform
model, we then perform Bayesian parameter estimation with added white Gaussian
noise to demonstrate that, in principle, the mode amplitudes can be measured
and used to constrain the plunge geometry. We find that inferences are
substantially improved by incorporating prior information constraining mode
excitation, which motivates work to understand and characterize how the QNM
excitation depends on the coalescence geometry. These results are part of a
broader effort to map the mode excitation from arbitrary masses and spins,
which will be useful for characterizing ringdown waves in upcoming
gravitational-wave measurements.

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Scott A. Hughes”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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