Snowmass White Paper: Cosmology at the Theory Frontier

Kavli Affiliate: Austin Joyce

| First 5 Authors: Raphael Flauger, Victor Gorbenko, Austin Joyce, Liam McAllister, Gary Shiu

| Summary:

The precision cosmological model describing the origin and expansion history
of the universe, with observed structure seeded at the inflationary cosmic
horizon, demands completion in the ultraviolet and in the infrared. The
dynamics of the cosmic horizon also suggests an associated entropy, again
requiring a microphysical theory. Recent years have seen enormous progress in
understanding the structure of de Sitter space and inflation in string theory,
and of cosmological observables captured by quantum field theory and solvable
deformations thereof. The resulting models admit ongoing observational tests
through measurements of the cosmic microwave background and large-scale
structure, as well as through analyses of theoretical consistency by means of
thought experiments. This paper, prepared for the TF01 and TF09 conveners of
the Snowmass 2021 process, provides a synopsis of this important area, focusing
on ongoing developments and opportunities.

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