Predicting the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Field using Modular and Equivariant Set-Based Neural Networks

Kavli Affiliate: David N. Spergel

| First 5 Authors: Leander Thiele, Miles Cranmer, William Coulton, Shirley Ho, David N. Spergel

| Summary:

Theoretical uncertainty limits our ability to extract cosmological
information from baryonic fields such as the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (tSZ)
effect. Being sourced by the electron pressure field, the tSZ effect depends on
baryonic physics that is usually modeled by expensive hydrodynamic simulations.
We train neural networks on the IllustrisTNG-300 cosmological simulation to
predict the continuous electron pressure field in galaxy clusters from
gravity-only simulations. Modeling clusters is challenging for neural networks
as most of the gas pressure is concentrated in a handful of voxels and even the
largest hydrodynamical simulations contain only a few hundred clusters that can
be used for training. Instead of conventional convolutional neural net (CNN)
architectures, we choose to employ a rotationally equivariant DeepSets
architecture to operate directly on the set of dark matter particles. We argue
that set-based architectures provide distinct advantages over CNNs. For
example, we can enforce exact rotational and permutation equivariance,
incorporate existing knowledge on the tSZ field, and work with sparse fields as
are standard in cosmology. We compose our architecture with separate,
physically meaningful modules, making it amenable to interpretation. For
example, we can separately study the influence of local and cluster-scale
environment, determine that cluster triaxiality has negligible impact, and
train a module that corrects for mis-centering. Our model improves by 70 % on
analytic profiles fit to the same simulation data. We argue that the electron
pressure field, viewed as a function of a gravity-only simulation, has inherent
stochasticity, and model this property through a conditional-VAE extension to
the network. This modification yields further improvement by 7 %, it is limited
by our small training set however. (abridged)

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”David N. Spergel”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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