An Empirical Background Model for the NICER X-ray Timing Instrument

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Y. Prigozhin | First 5 Authors: Ronald A. Remillard, Michael Loewenstein, James F. Steiner, Gregory Y. Prigozhin, Beverly LaMarr | Summary: NICER has a comparatively low background rate, but it is highly variable, and its spectrum must be predicted using measurements unaffected by the science target. We describe an empirical, three-parameter model […]

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External Calibrator in Global Signal Experiment for Detection of the Epoch of Reionization

Kavli Affiliate: Kejia Lee | First 5 Authors: Yan Huang, Xiang-Ping Wu, Quan Guo, Qian Zheng, Biying Li | Summary: We present a conceptual design study of external calibrators in the 21 cm experiment towards detecting the globally averaged radiation of the epoch of reionization (EoR). Employment of external calibrator instead of internal calibrator commonly […]

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