Constraints on black-hole charges with the 2017 EHT observations of M87*

Kavli Affiliate: Thomas M. Crawford | First 5 Authors: Prashant Kocherlakota, Luciano Rezzolla, Heino Falcke, Christian M. Fromm, Michael Kramer | Summary: Our understanding of strong gravity near supermassive compact objects has recently improved thanks to the measurements made by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). We use here the M87* shadow size to infer constraints […]

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Extragalactic Magnetism with SOFIA (Legacy Program) — I: The magnetic field in the multi-phase interstellar medium of M51

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Alejandro S. Borlaff, Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Rainer Beck, Rodion Stepanov, Eva Ntormousi | Summary: The recent availability of high-resolution far-infrared (FIR) polarization observations of galaxies using HAWC+/SOFIA has facilitated studies of extragalactic magnetic fields in the cold and dense molecular disks.We investigate if any significant structural differences […]

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