The Geometry of Cold, Metal-Enriched Gas Around Galaxies at $zsim1.2$

Kavli Affiliate: Donald G. York | First 5 Authors: Britt F. Lundgren, Samantha Creech, Gabriel Brammer, Nathan Kirse, Matthew Peek | Summary: We present the first results from a Hubble Space Telescope WFC3/IR program, which obtained direct imaging and grism observations of galaxies near quasar sightlines with a high frequency of uncorrelated foreground Mg II […]

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Catastrophic Production of Slow Gravitinos

Kavli Affiliate: Edward W. Kolb | First 5 Authors: Edward W. Kolb, Andrew J. Long, Evan McDonough, , | Summary: We study gravitational particle production of the massive spin-$3/2$ Rarita-Schwinger field, and its close relative, the gravitino, in FRW cosmological spacetimes. For masses lighter than the value of the Hubble expansion rate after inflation, $m_{3/2} […]

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