Charging-driven coarsening and melting of a colloidal nanoparticle monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface

Kavli Affiliate: Naomi S. Ginsberg

| First 5 Authors: Connor G. Bischak, Jonathan G. Raybin, Jonathon W. Kruppe, Naomi S. Ginsberg,

| Summary:

We induce and investigate the coarsening and melting dynamics of an initially
static nanoparticle colloidal monolayer at an ionic liquid-vacuum interface,
driven by a focused, scanning electron beam. Coarsening occurs through grain
interface migration and larger-scale motions such as grain rotations, often
facilitated by sliding dislocations. The progressive decrease in area fraction
that drives melting of the monolayer is explained using an electrowetting model
whereby particles at the interface are solvated once their accumulating charge
recruits sufficient counterions to subsume the particle. Subject to stochastic
particle removal from the monolayer, melting is recapitulated in simulations
with a Lennard-Jones potential. This new driving mechanism for colloidal
systems, whose dynamical timescales we show can be controlled with the
accelerating voltage, opens the possibility to manipulate particle interactions
dynamically without need to vary particle intrinsic properties or surface
treatments. Furthermore, the decrease in particle size availed by electron
imaging presents opportunities to observe force and time scales in a
lesser-explored regime intermediate between typical colloidal and molecular

| Search Query: ArXiv Query: search_query=au:”Naomi S. Ginsberg”&id_list=&start=0&max_results=10

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