Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture via Zastava spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Hiraku Nakajima | First 5 Authors: Alexander Braverman, Michael Finkelberg, Hiraku Nakajima, , | Summary: We deduce the Kazhdan-Lusztig conjecture on the multiplicities of simple modules over a simple complex Lie algebra in Verma modules in category O from the equivariant geometric Satake correspondence and the analysis of torus fixed points in zastava […]

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Band gap renormalization, carrier mobilities, and the electron-phonon self-energy in crystalline naphthalene

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey B. Neaton | First 5 Authors: Florian Brown-Altvater, Gabriel Antonius, Tonatiuh Rangel, Matteo Giantomassi, Claudia Draxl | Summary: Organic molecular crystals are expected to feature appreciable electron-phonon interactions that influence their electronic properties at zero and finite temperature. In this work, we report first-principles calculations and an analysis of the electron-phonon self-energy […]

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