DFT-based many-body analysis of electron transport through molecules

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph M. Thijssen | First 5 Authors: Fatemeh Mirjani, Joseph M. Thijssen, , , | Summary: We present a method which uses density functional theory (DFT) to treat transport through a single molecule connected to two conducting leads for the weak and intermediate coupling. This case is not accessible to standard non-equilibrium Green’s […]

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Probing dark energy and neutrino mass from upcoming lensing experiments of CMB and galaxies

Kavli Affiliate: Toshiya Namikawa | First 5 Authors: Toshiya Namikawa, Shun Saito, Atsushi Taruya, , | Summary: We discuss the synergy of the cosmic shear and CMB lensing experiments to simultaneously constrain the neutrino mass and dark energy properties. Taking fully account of the CMB lensing, cosmic shear, CMB anisotropies, and their cross correlation signals, […]

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