Generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem on bosonic symmetry protected topological phases

Kavli Affiliate: Shenghan Jiang | First 5 Authors: Shenghan Jiang, Meng Cheng, Yang Qi, Yuan-Ming Lu, | Summary: We propose and prove a family of generalized Lieb-Schultz-Mattis (LSM) theorems for symmetry protected topological (SPT) phases on boson/spin models in any dimensions. The "conventional" LSM theorem, applicable to e.g. any translation invariant system with an odd […]

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Spontaneous Domain Formation in Spherically-Confined Elastic Filaments

Kavli Affiliate: Rudolf Podgornik | First 5 Authors: Tine Curk, James Daniel Farrell, Jure Dobnikar, Rudolf Podgornik, | Summary: Although the free energy of a genome packing into a virus is dominated by DNA-DNA interactions, ordering of the DNA inside the capsid is elasticity-driven, suggesting general solutions with DNA organized into spool-like domains. Using analytical […]

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