Conic10K: A Challenging Math Problem Understanding and Reasoning Dataset

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Haoyi Wu, Wenyang Hui, Yezeng Chen, Weiqi Wu, Kewei Tu | Summary: Mathematical understanding and reasoning are crucial tasks for assessing the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI). However, existing benchmarks either require just a few steps of reasoning, or only contain a small amount of data in […]

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A variational Monte Carlo approach to the SU(4) spin-orbital model on the triangular lattice

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Chun Zhang, Hui-Ke Jin, Yi Zhou, , | Summary: Previous investigations have suggested that the simplest spin-orbital model on the simplest frustrated lattice can host a nematic quantum spin-orbital liquid state. Namely, the orbital degeneracy of the SU(4) Kugel-Khomskii (KK) model tends to enhance quantum fluctuations and […]

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Topological spin-orbit-coupled fermions beyond rotating wave approximation

Kavli Affiliate: Long Zhang | First 5 Authors: Han Zhang, Wen-Wei Wang, Chang Qiao, Long Zhang, Ming-Cheng Liang | Summary: The realization of spin-orbit-coupled ultracold gases has driven a wide range of researches and is typically based on the rotating wave approximation (RWA). By neglecting the counter-rotating terms, RWA characterizes a single near-resonant spin-orbit (SO) […]

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Local wellposedness for the quasilinear Schrödinger equations via the generalized energy method

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Jie Shao, Yi Zhou, , , | Summary: We study the global Cauchy problem of the quasilinear Schr"odinger equations, for which KENIG et al. (Invent Math, 2004; Adv Math, 2006) obtained short time local wellposedness with large data by pseudo-differential techniques and viscosity methods, while MARZUOLA et […]

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Multifield tunable valley splitting in two-dimensional MXene Cr$_2$COOH

Kavli Affiliate: Cheng Peng | First 5 Authors: Ping Li, Chao Wu, Cheng Peng, Mutian Yang, Wei Xun | Summary: Manipulation of the valley degree of freedom provides a novel paradigm in quantum information technology. Here, through first-principles calculations and model analysis, we demonstrate that monolayer Cr$_2$COOH MXene is a promising candidate material for valleytronics […]

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Weak Limit of $W^{1,2}$ Homeomorphisms in $mathbb{R}^3$ Can Have Any Degree

Kavli Affiliate: Zheng Zhu | First 5 Authors: Ondřej Bouchala, Stanislav Hencl, Zheng Zhu, , | Summary: In this paper for every $kinmathbb{Z}$ we construct a sequence of weakly converging homeomorphisms $h_mcolon B(0,10)tomathbb{R}^3$, $h_mrightharpoonup h$ in $W^{1,2}(B(0,10))$, such that $h_m(x)=x$ on $partial B(0,10)$ and for every $rin left(tfrac5{16},tfrac{7}{16}right)$ the degree of $h$ with respect to […]

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Flow Morphology of a Supersonic Gravitating Sphere

Kavli Affiliate: Lars Bildsten | First 5 Authors: Logan J. Prust, Lars Bildsten, , , | Summary: Stars and planets move supersonically in a gaseous medium during planetary engulfment, stellar interactions and within protoplanetary disks. For a nearly uniform medium, the relevant parameters are the Mach number and the size of the body, $R$, relative […]

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Inhomogeneous quenches as state preparation in two-dimensional conformal field theories

Kavli Affiliate: Masahiro Nozaki | First 5 Authors: Masahiro Nozaki, Kotaro Tamaoka, Mao Tian Tan, , | Summary: The non-equilibrium process where the system does not evolve to the featureless state is one of the new central objects in the non-equilibrium phenomena. In this paper, starting from the short-range entangled state in the two-dimensional conformal […]

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Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning over Vertically and Horizontally Partitioned Data for Financial Anomaly Detection

Kavli Affiliate: Yi Zhou | First 5 Authors: Swanand Ravindra Kadhe, Heiko Ludwig, Nathalie Baracaldo, Alan King, Yi Zhou | Summary: The effective detection of evidence of financial anomalies requires collaboration among multiple entities who own a diverse set of data, such as a payment network system (PNS) and its partner banks. Trust among these […]

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