Multimodal Image Normalisation Tool (MINT) for the Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development study: the MINT ABCD Atlas

Kavli Affiliate: Terry Jernigan & Anders Dale | Authors: Diliana Pecheva, John R Iversen, Clare E Palmer, Richard Watts, Terry L Jernigan, Donald J Hagler and Anders M Dale | Summary: Abstract The Adolescent Brain and Cognitive Development (ABCD) study aims to measure the trajectories of brain, cognitive, and emotional development. Cognitive and behavioural development […]

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Orbitofrontal cortex populations are differentially recruited to support actions

Kavli Affiliate: Christina Gremel | Authors: Christian Cazares, Drew C. Schreiner, Mariela Lopez Valencia and Christina M. Gremel | Summary: Summary The ability to use information from one’s prior actions is necessary for decision-making. While Orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) has been hypothesized as key for inferences made using cue and value-related information, whether OFC populations contribute […]

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Protein Geometry, Function and Mutation

Kavli Affiliate: Robert Clark | Authors: Robert Clark Penner | Summary: Abstract This survey summarizes several works by the author on protein geometry and protein function with applications to viral glycoproteins in general and the spike glycoprotein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in particular. Though a certain level of mathematical sophistication is assumed, the background biology […]

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Mouse lemur transcriptomic atlas elucidates primate genes, physiology, disease, and evolution

Kavli Affiliate: Angela Wu | Authors: The Tabula Microcebus Consortium, Camille Ezran, Shixuan Liu, Jingsi Ming, Lisbeth A. Guethlein, Michael F. Z. Wang, Roozbeh Dehghannasiri, Julia Olivieri, Hannah K. Frank, Alexander Tarashansky, Winston Koh, Qiuyu Jing, Olga Botvinnik, Jane Antony, Stephen Chang, Angela Oliveira Pisco, Jim Karkanias, Can Yang, James E. Ferrell, Jr., Scott D. […]

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Thalamus sends information about arousal but not valence to the amygdala

Kavli Affiliate: Kay Tye | Authors: Chris A Leppla, Laurel Keyes, Gordon Glober, Gillian A Matthews, Kanha Batra, Maya Jay, Yu Feng, Hannah S Chen, Fergil Mills, Jeremy Delahanty, Jake Olsen, Edward H Nieh, Praneeth Namburi, Craig Wildes, Romy Wichmann, Anna Beyelar, Eyal Y Kimchi and Kay M. Tye | Summary: Rationale The basolateral amygdala […]

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Mechanisms underlying reshuffling of visual responses by optogenetic stimulation in mice and monkeys

Kavli Affiliate: John Reynolds, Kenneth Miller | Authors: Alessandro Sanzeni, Agostina Palmigiano, Tuan H Nguyen, Junxiang Luo, Jonathan J Nassi, John H Reynolds, Mark H Histed, Kenneth D Miller and Nicolas Brunel | Summary: The ability to observe the response of neural circuits to controlled optogenetic perturbations opens an unprecedented window into the mechanisms governing […]

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Rewiring Dynamics of Functional Connectome in Motor Cortex during Motor Skill Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Takaki Komiyama | Authors: Saber Meamardoost, Eunjung Hwang, Mahasweta Bhattacharya, Chi Ren, Linbing Wang, Claudia Mewes, Ying Zhang, Takaki Komiyama and Rudiyanto Gunawan | Summary: The brain’s connectome continually rewires throughout the life of an organism. In this study, we sought to elucidate the operational principles of such rewiring by analyzing the functional […]

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The spatial distribution and temporal trends of livestock damages caused by wolves in Europe

Kavli Affiliate: Jose Suarez Lopez | Authors: Liam Singer, Xenia Wietlisbach, Raffael Hickisch, Eva Maria Schoell, Angela Van den Broek, Manon Désalme, Koen Driesen, Mari Lyly, Francesca Marucco, Miroslav Kutal, Nives Pagon, Cristian Remus Papp, Paraskevi Milioni, Remigijus Uzdras, Ilgvars Zihmanis, Fridolin Zimmermann, Katrina Marsden, Klaus Hackländer, José Vicente López-Bao, Sybille Klenzendorf and Daniel Wegmann […]

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Large-scale capture of hidden fluorescent labels for training generalizable markerless motion capture models

Kavli Affiliate: Eiman Azim | Authors: Daniel J Butler, Alexander P Keim, Shantanu Ray and Eiman Azim | Summary: Recent advances in deep learning-based markerless pose estimation have dramatically improved the scale and ease with which body landmarks can be tracked in studies of animal behavior. However, pose estimation for animals in a laboratory setting […]

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Targeting C5aR1 signaling reduced neutrophil extracellular traps and ameliorates COVID-19 pathology

Kavli Affiliate: Gabriel Silva | Authors: Bruna M. Silva, Flavio Protasio Veras, Giovanni Gomes, Seppe Cambier, Gabriel Silva, Andreza Quadros, Diego Caetite, Daniele Nascimento, Camila Silva, Juliana Silva, Samara Damasceno, Ayda Schneider, Fabio Beretta, Sabrina Batah, Icaro Castro, Isadora Paiva, Tamara Rodrigues, Ana C G Salina, Ronaldo Martins, Guilherme Cebinelli, Naira Bibo, Daniel Jorge, Helder […]

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