Laws for Glia Organization Conserved Across Mammals

Kavli Affiliate: Terrence Sejnowski | Authors: Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Katharine Bogue, Terrence J. Sejnowski and Shyam Srinivasan | Summary: The organizational principles of glia remain largely unknown despite their vital role in nervous system function. Previous work has shown that the number of glia per unit volume of neocortex is constant across mammalian species. We hypothesize […]

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Cristae formation is a mechanical buckling event controlled by the inner membrane lipidome

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Kailash Venkatraman, Christopher T Lee, Guadalupe C. Garcia, Arijit Mahapatra, Guy Perkins, Keun-Young Kim, Hilda Amalia Pasolli, Sebastien Phan, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Mark Ellisman, Padmini Rangamani and Itay Budin | Summary: Cristae are high curvature structures in the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) that are crucial for ATP production. While cristae-shaping […]

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Spatiotemporal development of growth and death zones in expanding bacterial colonies driven by emergent nutrient dynamics

Kavli Affiliate: David Kleinfeld | Authors: Harish Kannan, Paul Sun, Tolga Çağlar, Pantong Yao, Brian R Taylor, Kinshuk Sahu, Daotong Ge, Matteo Mori, Mya Warren, David Kleinfeld, JiaJia Dong, Bo Li and Terence Hwa | Summary: Bacterial colony growth on hard agar is commonplace in microbiology; yet, what occurs inside a growing colony is complex […]

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Beyond Lux: Methods for Species and Photoreceptor-Specific Quantification of Ambient Light for Mammals

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy Brown | Authors: Richard J McDowell, Altug Didikoglu, Tom Woelders, Mazie J Gatt, Roelof A. Hut, Timothy M Brown and Robert J Lucas | Summary: Background Light is a key environmental regulator of physiology and behaviour. Mistimed or insufficient light disrupts circadian rhythms and is associated with impaired health and well-being across […]

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Caloric restriction promotes beta cell longevity and delays aging and senescence by enhancing cell identity and homeostasis mechanisms.

Kavli Affiliate: Mark Ellisman | Authors: Cristiane dos Santos, Shristi Shrestha, Matthew A Cottam, Guy Perkins, Varda Lev-Ram, Birbickram Roy, Christopher Acree, Keun-Young Kim, Thomas Deerinck, Melanie Cutler, Danielle Dean, Jean Philippe Cartailler, Patrick E MacDonald, Martin W Hetzer, Mark H Ellisman and Rafael Arrojo e Drigo | Summary: Caloric restriction (CR) extends organismal lifespan […]

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Abundant pleiotropy across neuroimaging modalities identified through a multivariate genome-wide association study

Kavli Affiliate: Anders Dale | Authors: Elleke Tissink, Alexey A Shadrin, Dennis van der Meer, Nadine Parker, Guy Hindley, Daniel Roelfs, Oleksandr Frei, Chun Chieh Fan, Mats Nagel, Terje Naerland, Magdalena Budisteanu, Srdjan Djurovic, Lars T. Westlye, Martijn van den Heuvel, Danielle Posthuma, Tobias Kaufmann, Anders M. Dale and Ole Andreassen | Summary: Genetic pleiotropy […]

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Estimating the Total Variance Explained by Whole-Brain Imaging for Zero-inflated Outcomes

Kavli Affiliate: Wesley Thompson | Authors: Junting Ren, Robert John Loughnan, Bohan Xu, Wesley K. Thompson and Chun Chieh Fan | Summary: Zero-inflated outcomes are very common in behavioral data, particularly for responses to psychological questionnaires. Modeling these challenging distributions is further exacerbated by the absence of established statistical models capable of characterizing total signals […]

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Gene editing in the Chagas disease vector Rhodnius prolixus by Cas9-mediated ReMOT Control

Kavli Affiliate: Ethan Bier | Authors: Leonardo Lima, Mateus Berni, Jamile Mota, Daniel Bressan, Alison Julio, Robson Cavalcante, Vanessa Macias, Zhiqian Li, Jason L. Rasgon, Ethan Bier and Helena Marcolla Araujo | Summary: Rhodnius prolixus is currently the model vector of choice for studying Chagas disease transmission, a debilitating disease caused by Trypanosoma cruzi parasites. […]

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Xylem sap residue in cut-open conduits can affect gas discharge in pneumatic experiments

Kavli Affiliate: Gabriel Silva | Authors: Marcela Trevenzoli Miranda, Luciano Pereira, Gabriel Silva Pires, Xinyi Guan, Luciano Melo Silva, Swetlana Kreinert, Eduardo Caruso Machado, Steven Jansen and Rafael Ribeiro | Summary: Considerable progress has been made in understanding the mechanisms of embolism formation based on the pneumatic method, which relies on gas discharge measurements. Here, […]

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A Bayesian Regularized and Anotation-Informed Integrative Analysis of Cognition (BRAINIAC)

Kavli Affiliate: Wesley Thompson | Authors: Rong Zablocki, Bohan Xu, Chun-Chieh Fan and Wesley K. Thompson | Summary: Here we present a development of the novel Bayesian Regularized and Anotation-Informed Integrative Analysis of Cognition (BRAINIAC) model. BRAINIAC allows for both estimation of total variance explained by all features for a given cognitive phenotype, as well […]

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