Knowledge Mapping of Alternative Splicing of Cancer From 2012 to 2021: A Bibliometric Analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Bo Tian, Yan Bian, De-Jian Bian, Ye Gao, Xun Zhang, Si-Wei Zhou, Yan-Hui Zhang, Ya-Nan Pang, Zhao-Shen Li and Luo-Wei Wang | Summary: ABSTRACT Background As a processing method of RNA precursors, alternative splicing plays a critical role in normal cell physiological activities. Aberrant alternative splicing events are associated […]

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Resting-State Electroencephalography for Continuous, Passive Prediction of Coma Recovery After Acute Brain Injury

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Young | Authors: Morteza Zabihi, Daniel B. Rubin, Sophie E. Ack, Emily J. Gilmore, Valdery Moura Junior, Sahar F. Zafar, Quanzheng Li, Michael J. Young, Brian L. Edlow, Yelena G. Bodien and Eric S. Rosenthal | Summary: Abstract Accurately predicting emergence from disorders of consciousness (DoC) after acute brain injury can profoundly […]

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Microbiota-dependent histone butyrylation in the mammalian intestine

Kavli Affiliate: Daniel S. Mucida | Authors: Leah A Gates, Bernardo Sgarbi Reis, Peder J Lund, Matthew R Paul, Marylene Leboeuf, Zara Nadeem, Thomas S Carroll, Benjamin Garcia, Daniel Mucida and C. David Allis | Summary: SUMMARY Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) on histone proteins are a key source of regulation on chromatin through impacting genome organization […]

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Microbiota-stimulated Interleukin-22 regulates brain neurons and protects against stress-induced anxiety

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Friedman | Authors: Anoj Ilanges, Mengyu Xia, Junmei Lu, Lei Chen, Rani Shiao, Changchun Wang, Ru Feng, Zheyu Jin, Han Yi, Qingqing Qi, Jixi Li, Marc Schneeberger, Boxun Lu, Jeffrey M. Friedman and Xiaofei Yu | Summary: Summary Psychological stress and its sequelae are a major public health problem. While the immune […]

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Neuromodulatory silencing of nerve terminals

Kavli Affiliate: Timothy A. Ryan | Authors: Daniel Charles Cook and Timothy Aidan Ryan | Summary: Abstract Control of neurotransmission efficacy is central to theories of how the brain computes and stores information. Neuromodulators are critical in this problem as they locally influence synaptic strength and can operate on a wide range of time scales. […]

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MicroRNA-218 instructs proper assembly of hippocampal networks

Kavli Affiliate: Robert B. Darnell | Authors: Seth Taylor, Mariko Kobayashi, Antonietta Vilella, Durgesh Tiwari, Norjin Zolboot, Andrea Hartzell, Carol Girgiss, Yusuf Abaci, Claudia De Sanctis, Gian Carlo Bellenchi, Robert B Darnell, Christina Gross, Michele Zoli, Darwin K Berg and Giordano Lippi | Summary: ABSTRACT The assembly of the mammalian brain is orchestrated by temporally […]

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Human anti-ACE2 monoclonal antibodies as pan-sarbecovirus prophylactic agents

Kavli Affiliate: Charles Rice | Authors: Fengwen Zhang, Jesse Jenkins, Renan V.H. de Carvalho, Sandra Nakandakari-Higa, Teresia Chen, Morgan E Abernathy, Elisabeth Nyakatura, David Andrew, Irina V. Lebedeva, Ivo C Lorenz, H.-Heinrich Hoffmann, Charles M. Rice, Gabriel D. Victora, Christopher O. Barnes, Theodora Hatziioannou and Paul D Bieniasz | Summary: Abstract Human monoclonal antibodies from […]

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FGF21 Counteracts Alcohol Intoxication by Activating Noradrenergic Neurons

Kavli Affiliate: Jeffrey Friedman | Authors: Mihwa Choi, Marc Schneeberger, Wei Fan, Abhijit Bugde, Laurent Gautron, Kevin Vale, Yuan Zhang, Jeffrey M. Friedman, David J. Mangelsdorf and Steven A. Kliewer | Summary: SUMMARY Animals that consume fermenting fruit or nectar are exposed to ethanol, thus increasing their risk of injury or predation. This risk is […]

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Piezo1 as a force-through-membrane sensor in red blood cells.

Kavli Affiliate: Roderick MacKinnon | Authors: George Vaisey, Priyam Banerjee, Alison J North, Christoph A Haselwandter and Roderick MacKinnon | Summary: Summary Piezo1 is the stretch activated Ca2+ channel in red blood cells that mediates homeostatic volume control. Here we study the organization of Piezo1 in red blood cells using a combination of super resolution […]

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Sex differences in inter-individual gene expression variability across human tissues

Kavli Affiliate: Li Zhao | Authors: Samuel Khodursky, Caroline S Jiang, Eric B Zheng, Roger Vaughan, Daniel R Schrider and Li Zhao | Summary: Abstract Understanding phenotypic sex differences has long been a goal of biology from both a medical and evolutionary perspective. Although much attention has been paid to mean differences in phenotype between […]

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