Glutamatergic projections from ventral hippocampus to nucleus accumbens cholinergic neurons are altered in a mouse model of depression

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Greengard | Authors: Ana Milosevic, Lucian Medrihan, Margarete Knudsens, Tatiana Ferraro, Pedro Del Cioppo Vasques, Yevgeniy Romin, Sho Fujisawa and Paul Greengard | Summary: The cholinergic interneurons (ChATs) of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) have a critical role in the activity of this region, specifically in the context of major depressive disorder. To […]

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Shell Microelectrode Arrays (MEAs) for brain organoids

Kavli Affiliate: Brian Caffo | Authors: Qi Huang, Bohao Tang, July Carolina Romero, Yuqian Yang, Saifeldeen Khalil Elsayed, Gayatri Pahapale, Tien-Jung Lee, Itzy Erin Morales Pantoja, Fang Han, Cynthia Berlinicke, Terry Xiang, Mallory Solazzo, Thomas Hartung, Zhao Qin, Brian Caffo, Lena Smirnova and David H Gracias | Summary: Brain organoids are important models for mimicking […]

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Spatial and temporal autocorrelation weave complexity in brain networks

Kavli Affiliate: Daeyeol Lee | Authors: Maxwell Shinn, Amber Hu, Laurel Turner, Stephanie Noble, Katrin H Preller, Jie Lisa Ji, Flora Moujaes, Sophie Achard, Dustin Scheinost, R Todd Constable, John Krystal, Franz X Vollenweider, Daeyeol Lee, Alan Anticevic, Edward T Bullmore and John D Murray | Summary: High-throughput experimental methods in neuroscience have led to […]

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Ectopic insert-dependent neuronal expression of GFAP promoter-driven AAV constructs in adult mouse retina.

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Blackshaw | Authors: Nguyet Le, Haley Appel, Nicole Pannullo, Thanh Hoang and Seth Blackshaw | Summary: Direct reprogramming of retinal Müller glia is a promising avenue for replacing photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells lost to retinal dystrophies. However, questions have recently been raised about the accuracy of studies claiming efficient glia-to-neuron reprogramming […]

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Mesoscopic oblique plane microscopy (Meso-OPM) – enabling large-scale 4D isotropic cellular resolution imaging with a diffractive light sheet

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Wenjun Shao, Minzi Chang, Kevin Emmerich, Patrick O Kanold, Jeff S Mumm and Ji Yi | Summary: Fundamental understanding of large-scale dynamic connectivity within a living organism requires volumetric imaging over a large field of view (FOV) at biologically relevant speed and resolution. However, most microscopy methods make trade-offs […]

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Mesoscopic oblique plane microscopy (Meso-OPM) with a diffractive light sheet- enabling large-scale 4D cellular resolution imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Wenjun Shao, Minzi Chang, Kevin Emmerich, Patrick O Kanold, Jeff S Mumm and Ji Yi | Summary: Abstract Fundamental understanding of large-scale dynamic connectivity within a living organism requires volumetric imaging over a large field of view (FOV) at biologically relevant speed and resolution. However, most microscopy methods make […]

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MRSCloud: a Cloud-based MR Spectroscopy Tool for Basis Set Simulation

Kavli Affiliate: Susumu Mori | Authors: Steve C.N. Hui, Muhammad Saleh, Helge J Zoellner, Georg Oeltzschner, Hongli Fan, Yue Li, Yulu Song, Hangyi Jiang, Jamie Near, Hanzhang Lu, Susumu Mori and Richard Edden | Summary: Background Accurate quantification of in vivo proton magnetic resonance spectra involves modeling with a linear combination of known metabolite basis […]

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Multi-finger Receptive Field Properties in Primary Somatosensory Cortex: A Revised Account of the Spatio-Temporal Integration Functions of Area 3b

Kavli Affiliate: Charles Connor | Authors: Natalie K Trzcinski, Steven S Hsiao, Charles E Connor and Manuel Gomez-Ramirez | Summary: The leading view in the somatosensory system indicates that area 3b serves as a cortical relay site that encodes cutaneous (tactile) features limited to individual digits. Our recent work argues against this model by showing […]

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KAT5 activity regulates G0-like states in human gliomas

Kavli Affiliate: Jin Kang | Authors: Anca Mihalas, Sonali Arora, Samantha O’Connor, Heather Feldman, John Bassett, Kelly Mitchell, Kang Jin, Pia Hoellerbauer, Melissa Ling, Wesley Jenkins, Megan Kufeld, Philip Corrin, Lucas Carter, Bruce J Aronow, Christopher J Plaisier, Anoop Patel and PATRICK PADDISON | Summary: In solid tumors, G0-like cell populations likely play important roles […]

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Projective LDDMM: Spatially Reconstructing a Story of Rostrally-Dominant Tau in Alzheimer’s Disease

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller, Susumu Mori, Menno Witter | Authors: Kaitlin Stouffer, Menno Witter, Claire Chen, Eileen Xu, Marilyn Albert, Susumu Mori, Juan Troncoso, Daniel Jacob Tward and Michael Miller | Summary: Since Braak’s initial histological observations, it has been recognized that Alzheimer’s disease (AD) neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) appear in the medial temporal lobe (MTL) […]

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