Cellular and Fibrillar Collagen Analyses in an Animal Model of Retinal Detachment-Related Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy Reveals a Defined Transition to Chronic Fibrosis

Kavli Affiliate: Seth Blackshaw | Authors: Cornelia Peterson, Clayton P. Santiago, Yuchen Lu, Antoinette Price, Minda M. McNally, William Schubert, Seth Blackshaw, Charles G. Eberhart and Mandeep S. Singh | Summary: SUMMARY Purpose Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) is the most common cause of failure of surgically repaired rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD). Chemically-induced and cell-injection PVR models […]

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Interactive auditory task reveals complex sensory-action integration in mouse primary auditory cortex

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Ji Liu and Patrick O Kanold | Summary: SUMMARY Predictive coding theory postulates that the brain achieves perception by actively making predictions about the incoming sensory information and correcting them if errors signals arise. These signals are likely the most relevant when the individual is actively interacting with the […]

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Two types of locus coeruleus norepinephrine neurons drive reinforcement learning

Kavli Affiliate: Jeremiah Cohen | Authors: Zhixiao Su and Jeremiah Y. Cohen | Summary: Abstract The cerebral cortex generates flexible behavior by learning. Reinforcement learning is thought to be driven by error signals in midbrain dopamine neurons. However, they project more densely to basal ganglia than cortex, leaving open the possibility of another source of […]

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Automated head-fixation training system with high levels of animal participation in psychoacoustic tasks

Kavli Affiliate: Patrick Kanold | Authors: Ji Liu, Kate Maximov and Patrick O Kanold | Summary: Abstract Many animal training paradigms rely on head-fixation. Head-fixation training is typically laborious and can benefit from automation to relieve the workload as well as to reduce the variability in the training outcome. Several groups have reported successful implementations […]

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Generative network modeling reveals quantitative definitions of bilateral symmetry exhibited by a whole insect brain connectome

Kavli Affiliate: Carey Priebe, Joshua Vogelstein | Authors: Benjamin D. Pedigo, Mike Powell, Eric W. Bridgeford, Michael Winding, Carey E. Priebe and Joshua T. Vogelstein | Summary: Abstract Comparing connectomes can help explain how neural connectivity is related to genetics, disease, development, learning, and behavior. However, making statistical inferences about the significance and nature of […]

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Identifying genes and pathways linking astrocyte regional specificity to Alzheimer’s disease susceptibility

Kavli Affiliate: Paul Greengard | Authors: Ran Zhang, Margarete Knudsen, Pedro Del Cioppo Vasques, Alicja Tadych, Patricia Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Paul Greengard, Jean-Pierre Roussarie, Ana Milosevic and Olga G. Troyanskaya | Summary: Abstract Astrocytes have been shown to play a central role in Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). However, the genes and biological pathways underlying disease manifestation are unknown, […]

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Tumor proliferation and invasion are coupled through cell-extracellular matrix friction

Kavli Affiliate: Denis Wirtz | Authors: Ashleigh J. Crawford, Clara Gomez-Cruz, Gabriella C. Russo, Wilson Huang, Isha Bhorkar, Arrate Munoz-Barrutia, Denis Wirtz and Daniel Garcia-Gonzalez | Summary: Abstract Cell proliferation and invasion are two key drivers of tumor progression and are traditionally considered two independent cellular processes regulated by distinct pathways. Through in vitro and […]

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Tautomer-specific deacylation and Ω-loop flexibility explain carbapenem-hydrolyzing, broad-spectrum activity of the KPC-2 β-lactamase

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Beer | Authors: Catherine L Tooke, Philip Hinchliffe, Michael Beer, Kirill Zinovjev, Charlie K Colenso, Christopher J Schofield, Adrian J Mulholland and James Spencer | Summary: Abstract KPC-2 (Klebsiella pneumoniae carbapenemase-2) is a globally disseminated serine-β-lactamase (SBL) responsible for extensive β-lactam antibiotic resistance in Gram-negative pathogens. SBLs inactivate β-lactams via a mechanism […]

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A comparative atlas of single-cell chromatin accessibility in the human brain

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Miller | Authors: Yang Eric Li, Sebastian Preissl, Michael Miller, Nicholas D. Johnson, Zihan Wang, Henry Jiao, Chenxu Zhu, Zhaoning Wang, Yang Xie, Olivier Poirin, Colin Kern, Antonio Pinto-Duarte, Wei Tian, Kimberly Siletti, Nora Emerson, Julia Osteen, Jacinta Lucero, Lin Lin, Qian Yang, Sarah Espinoza, Quan Zhu, Nathan Zemke, Anna Marie Yanny, […]

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Potassium regulates axon-oligodendrocyte signaling and metabolic coupling in white matter

Kavli Affiliate: Dwight Bergles | Authors: Zoe J. Looser, Luca Ravotto, Ramona B. Jung, Hauke B. Werner, Torben Ruhwedel, Wiebke Moebius, Dwight E Bergles, L. Felipe Barros, Klaus-Armin Nave, Bruno Weber and Aiman S. Saab | Summary: Abstract The integrity of myelinated axons relies on homeostatic support from oligodendrocytes (OLs), which is essential for brain […]

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