Using Large Language Models to Accelerate Communication for Users with Severe Motor Impairments

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Shanqing Cai, Subhashini Venugopalan, Katie Seaver, Xiang Xiao, Katrin Tomanek | Summary: Finding ways to accelerate text input for individuals with profound motor impairments has been a long-standing area of research. Closing the speed gap for augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) devices such as eye-tracking keyboards […]

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Optimal switching strategies for navigation in stochastic settings

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: F. Mori, L. Mahadevan, , , | Summary: Inspired by the intermittent reorientation strategy seen in the behavior of the dung beetle, we consider the problem of the navigation strategy of an active Brownian particle moving in two dimensions. We assume that the heading of the particle […]

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Optimal control of interacting active particles on complex landscapes

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Sumit Sinha, Vishaal Krishnan, L Mahadevan, , | Summary: Active many-body systems composed of many interacting degrees of freedom often operate out of equilibrium, giving rise to non-trivial emergent behaviors which can be functional in both evolved and engineered contexts. This naturally suggests the question of control […]

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Gene expression in growing cells: A biophysical primer

Kavli Affiliate: Ariel Amir | First 5 Authors: Ido Golding, Ariel Amir, , , | Summary: Cell growth and gene expression, essential elements of all living systems, have long been the focus of biophysical interrogation. Advances in single-cell methods have invigorated theoretical studies into these processes. However, until recently, there was little dialog between the […]

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Neural General Circulation Models

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith | Summary: General circulation models (GCMs) are the foundation of weather and climate prediction. GCMs are physics-based simulators which combine a numerical solver for large-scale dynamics with tuned representations for small-scale processes such as cloud formation. […]

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Neural General Circulation Models

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith | Summary: General circulation models (GCMs) are the foundation of weather and climate prediction. GCMs are physics-based simulators which combine a numerical solver for large-scale dynamics with tuned representations for small-scale processes such as cloud formation. […]

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Neural General Circulation Models for Weather and Climate

Kavli Affiliate: Michael P. Brenner | First 5 Authors: Dmitrii Kochkov, Janni Yuval, Ian Langmore, Peter Norgaard, Jamie Smith | Summary: General circulation models (GCMs) are the foundation of weather and climate prediction. GCMs are physics-based simulators which combine a numerical solver for large-scale dynamics with tuned representations for small-scale processes such as cloud formation. […]

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Emergent collective motion of self-propelled condensate droplets

Kavli Affiliate: Joanna Aizenberg | First 5 Authors: Marcus Lin, Philseok Kim, Sankara Arunachalam, Rifan Hardian, Solomon Adera | Summary: Recently, there is much interest in droplet condensation on soft or liquid/liquid-like substrates. Droplets can deform soft and liquid interfaces resulting in a wealth of phenomena not observed on hard, solid surfaces (e.g., increased nucleation, […]

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The Temporal Structure of Language Processing in the Human Brain Corresponds to The Layered Hierarchy of Deep Language Models

Kavli Affiliate: Michael Brenner | First 5 Authors: Ariel Goldstein, Eric Ham, Mariano Schain, Samuel Nastase, Zaid Zada | Summary: Deep Language Models (DLMs) provide a novel computational paradigm for understanding the mechanisms of natural language processing in the human brain. Unlike traditional psycholinguistic models, DLMs use layered sequences of continuous numerical vectors to represent […]

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Entanglement transition in rod packings

Kavli Affiliate: L. Mahadevan | First 5 Authors: Yeonsu Jung, Thomas Plumb-Reyes, Hao-Yu Greg Lin, L. Mahadevan, | Summary: Random packings of stiff rods are self-supporting mechanical structures stabilized by their geometrical and topological complexity. To understand why, we deploy X-ray computerized tomography to unveil the structure of the packing. This allows us to define […]

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