The $ω$-SQUIPT: phase-engineering of Josephson topological materials

Kavli Affiliate: Yu V. Nazarov | First 5 Authors: E. Strambini, S. D’Ambrosio, F. Vischi, F. S. Bergeret, Yu. V. Nazarov | Summary: Multi-terminal superconducting Josephson junctions based on the proximity effect offer the bright opportunity to tailor non trivial quantum states in nanoscale weak-links. These structures can realize exotic topologies in multidimensions as, for […]

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Closing the proximity gap in a metallic Josephson junction between three superconductors

Kavli Affiliate: Yu V. Nazarov | First 5 Authors: C. Padurariu, T. Jonckheere, J. Rech, R. Mélin, D. Feinberg | Summary: We describe the proximity effect in a short disordered metallic junction between three superconducting leads. Andreev bound states in the multi-terminal junction may cross the Fermi level. We reveal that for a quasi-continuous metallic […]

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Optimizing a Dynamical Decoupling Protocol for Solid-State Electronic Spin Ensembles in Diamond

Kavli Affiliate: Viatcheslav V. Dobrovitski | First 5 Authors: Demitry Farfurnik, Andrey Jarmola, Linh M. Pham, Zhi-Hui Wang, Viatcheslav V. Dobrovitski | Summary: We demonstrate significant improvements of the spin coherence time of a dense ensemble of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond through optimized dynamical decoupling (DD). Cooling the sample down to $77$ K suppresses […]

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Irregular transcription dynamics for rapid production of high-fidelity transcripts

Kavli Affiliate: Martin Depken | First 5 Authors: Martin Depken, Juan M. R. Parrondo, Stephan W. Gril, , | Summary: Both genomic stability and sustenance of day-to-day life rely on efficient and accurate readout of the genetic code. Single-molecule experiments show that transcription and replication are highly stochastic and irregular processes, with the polymerases frequently […]

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Measuring the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states

Kavli Affiliate: Kobus Kuipers | First 5 Authors: Marko Spasenovic, Daryl M. Beggs, Philippe Lalanne, Thomas F. Krauss, L. | Summary: We measure the spatial extent of individual localized photonic states in a slow-light photonic crystal waveguide. The size of the states is measured by perturbing each state individually through a local electromagnetic interaction with […]

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Ion association in low-polarity solvents: comparisons between theory, simulation, and experiment

Kavli Affiliate: Jos W. Zwanikken | First 5 Authors: Chantal Valeriani, Philip J. Camp, Jos W. Zwanikken, René van Roij, Marjolein Dijkstra | Summary: The association of ions in electrolyte solutions at very low concentration and low temperature is studied using computer simulations and quasi-chemical ion-pairing theory. The specific case of the restricted primitive model […]

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Opportunities and limitations of transition voltage spectroscopy: a theoretical analysis

Kavli Affiliate: Joseph M. Thijssen | First 5 Authors: Fatemeh Mirjani, Joseph M. Thijssen, Sense Jan van der Molen, , | Summary: In molecular charge transport, transition voltage spectroscopy (TVS) holds the promise that molecular energy levels can be explored at bias voltages lower than required for resonant tunneling. We investigate the theoretical basis of […]

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Digital Plasmonics

Kavli Affiliate: Kobus Kuipers | First 5 Authors: Bergin Gjonaj, Jochen Aulbach, Patrick M. Johnson, Allard P. Mosk, Kobus Kuipers | Summary: The field of plasmonics offers a route to control light fields with metallic nanostructures through the excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons (SPPs). These surface waves, bound to a metal dielectric interface, tightly confine […]

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