Path-Dependent Supercooling of the $^3$He Superfluid A-B transition

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak Parpia | First 5 Authors: Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Yefan Tian | Summary: We examine the discontinuous first-order superfluid $^3$He A to B transition in the vicinity of the polycritical point (2.232 mK and 21.22 bar). We find path-dependent transitions: cooling at fixed pressure yields a well defined […]

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Path-Dependent Supercooling of the $^3$He Superfluid A-B transition

Kavli Affiliate: Jeevak Parpia | First 5 Authors: Dmytro Lotnyk, Anna Eyal, Nikolay Zhelev, Abhilash Sebastian, Yefan Tian | Summary: We examine the discontinuous first-order superfluid $^3$He A to B transition in the vicinity of the polycritical point (2.232 mK and 21.22 bar). We find path-dependent transitions: cooling at fixed pressure yields a well defined […]

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Direct Measurement of Thermalization to Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Optical Beam Self-Cleaning

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Logan Wright, Demetrios Christodoulides | Summary: An equilibrium thermodynamic framework that describes highly-multimode optical processes was introduced recently. This theory predicts the outcomes of complex linear and nonlinear multimode interactions based on thermodynamic principles and provides analytic results for the distributions […]

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Direct Observation of Thermalization to a Rayleigh-Jeans Distribution in Multimode Optical Fibers

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Hamed Pourbeyram, Pavel Sidorenko, Fan Wu, Nicholas Bender, Logan Wright | Summary: Recent years have witnessed a resurgence of interest in nonlinear multimode optical systems where a host of intriguing effects have been observed that are impossible in single-mode settings. While nonlinearity can provide a rich environment […]

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Transferring Orbital Angular Momentum to an Electron Beam Reveals Toroidal and Chiral Order

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Kayla X. Nguyen, Yi Jiang, Michael C. Cao, Prafull Purohit, Ajay K. Yadav | Summary: Orbital angular momentum and torque transfer play central roles in a wide range of magnetic textures and devices including skyrmions and spin-torque electronics(1-4). Analogous topological structures are now also being explored […]

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Transferring Orbital Angular Momentum to an Electron Beam Reveals Toroidal and Chiral Order

Kavli Affiliate: Sol M. Gruner | First 5 Authors: Kayla X. Nguyen, Yi Jiang, Michael C. Cao, Prafull Purohit, Ajay K. Yadav | Summary: Orbital angular momentum and torque transfer play central roles in a wide range of magnetic textures and devices including skyrmions and spin-torque electronics(1-4). Analogous topological structures are now also being explored […]

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Out of Control: Reducing Probabilistic Models by Control-State Elimination

Kavli Affiliate: Johannes Lehmann | First 5 Authors: Tobias Winkler, Johannes Lehmann, Joost-Pieter Katoen, , | Summary: State-of-the-art probabilistic model checkers perform verification on explicit-state Markov models defined in a high-level programming formalism like the PRISM modeling language. Typically, the low-level models resulting from such program-like specifications exhibit lots of structure such as repeating subpatterns. […]

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Starting Dynamics of a Fully Electronically Controlled Linear Mamyshev Oscillator

Kavli Affiliate: Frank Wise | First 5 Authors: Yi-Hao Chen, Pavel Sidorenko, Frank Wise, , | Summary: We start an environmentally-stable linear Mamyshev oscillator with electronically-controlled modulated pump and a moving filter. It delivers a 21-nJ pulse that becomes 65 fs in duration after a compressor. Reliable starting into stable mode-locking is found achievable with […]

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Exciton-Trion-Polaritons in Two-Dimensional Materials

Kavli Affiliate: Farhan Rana | First 5 Authors: Farhan Rana, Okan Koksal, Minwoo Jung, Gennady Shvets, A. Nick Vamivakas | Summary: We present a many-body theory for exciton-trion-polaritons in doped two-dimensional materials. Exciton-trion-polaritons are robust coherent hybrid excitations involving excitons, trions, and photons. Signatures of these polaritons have been recently seen in experiments. In these […]

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Many-body theory of radiative lifetimes of exciton-trion superposition states in doped two-dimensional materials

Kavli Affiliate: Farhan Rana | First 5 Authors: Farhan Rana, Okan Koksal, Minwoo Jung, Gennady Shvets, Christina Manolatou | Summary: Optical absorption and emission spectra of doped two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit sharp peaks that are often identified with pure excitons and pure trions (or charged excitons), but both peaks have been recently attributed to superpositions […]

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