Origin of high thermal conductivity in disentangled ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene films: ballistic phonons within enlarged crystals

Kavli Affiliate: Austin J. Minnich | First 5 Authors: Taeyong Kim, Stavros X. Drakopoulos, Sara Ronca, Austin J. Minnich, | Summary: The thermal transport properties of oriented polymers are of fundamental and practical interest. High thermal conductivities ($gtrsim 50$ Wm$^{-1}$K$^{-1}$) have recently been reported in disentangled ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) films, considerably exceeding prior […]

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Performance of a phonon-mediated detector using KIDs optimized for sub-GeV dark matter

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Osmond Wen, Taylor Aralis, Ritoban Basu Thakur, Bruce Bumble, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Detection of sub-GeV dark matter candidates requires sub-keV detector thresholds on deposited energy. We provide an update on a gram-scale phonon-mediated KID-based device that was designed for a dark matter search in this mass […]

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How to See Hidden Patterns in Metamaterials with Interpretable Machine Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Zhi Chen, Alexander Ogren, Chiara Daraio, L. Catherine Brinson, Cynthia Rudin | Summary: Metamaterials are composite materials with engineered geometrical micro- and meso-structures that can lead to uncommon physical properties, like negative Poisson’s ratio or ultra-low shear resistance. Periodic metamaterials are composed of repeating unit-cells, and geometrical […]

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Learning to Disentangle Scenes for Person Re-identification

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xianghao Zang, Ge Li, Wei Gao, Xiujun Shu, | Summary: There are many challenging problems in the person re-identification (ReID) task, such as the occlusion and scale variation. Existing works usually tried to solve them by employing a one-branch network. This one-branch network needs to be robust […]

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Exploiting Robust Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Xianghao Zang, Ge Li, Wei Gao, Xiujun Shu, | Summary: Unsupervised video person re-identification (reID) methods usually depend on global-level features. And many supervised reID methods employed local-level features and achieved significant performance improvements. However, applying local-level features to unsupervised methods may introduce an unstable performance. To […]

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Stain-free Detection of Embryo Polarization using Deep Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Cheng Shen, Adiyant Lamba, Meng Zhu, Ray Zhang, Changhuei Yang | Summary: Polarization of the mammalian embryo at the right developmental time is critical for its development to term and would be valuable in assessing the potential of human embryos. However, tracking polarization requires invasive fluorescence staining, […]

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Nonlinear noise regression in gravitational-wave detectors with convolutional neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Hang Yu, Rana X. Adhikari, , , | Summary: Currently, the sub-60 Hz sensitivity of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors like Advanced LIGO is limited by the control noises from auxiliary degrees of freedom, which nonlinearly couple to the main GW readout. One particularly promising way to tackle […]

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Identifying drivers of energy resolution variation in multi-KID phonon-mediated detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Karthik Ramanathan, Taylor Aralis, Ritoban Basu Thakur, Bruce Bumble, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Phonon-mediated particle detectors employing Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) on Silicon substrates have demonstrated both O(10) eV energy resolution and mm position resolution, making them strong candidates for instrumenting next generation rare-event experiments such as […]

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Probing material absorption and optical nonlinearity of integrated photonic materials

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Maodong Gao, Qi-Fan Yang, Qing-Xin Ji, Heming Wang, Lue Wu | Summary: Optical microresonators with high quality ($Q$) factors are essential to a wide range of integrated photonic devices. Steady efforts have been directed towards increasing microresonator $Q$ factors across a variety of platforms. With success […]

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Frequency conversion of abruptly autofocusing waves

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, Dong-Mei Wang, Hai-Jun Wu, Dong-Sheng Ding, Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán | Summary: Abruptly autofocusing waves and associated ring-Airy (RA) beams are attracting increasing interest owing to their advantages in focusing abruptness and small F-number. Optical frequency conversion via parametric interactions can further expand their application areas, yet […]

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