Stain-free Detection of Embryo Polarization using Deep Learning

Kavli Affiliate: Changhuei Yang | First 5 Authors: Cheng Shen, Adiyant Lamba, Meng Zhu, Ray Zhang, Changhuei Yang | Summary: Polarization of the mammalian embryo at the right developmental time is critical for its development to term and would be valuable in assessing the potential of human embryos. However, tracking polarization requires invasive fluorescence staining, […]

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Nonlinear noise regression in gravitational-wave detectors with convolutional neural networks

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Hang Yu, Rana X. Adhikari, , , | Summary: Currently, the sub-60 Hz sensitivity of gravitational-wave (GW) detectors like Advanced LIGO is limited by the control noises from auxiliary degrees of freedom, which nonlinearly couple to the main GW readout. One particularly promising way to tackle […]

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Identifying drivers of energy resolution variation in multi-KID phonon-mediated detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Karthik Ramanathan, Taylor Aralis, Ritoban Basu Thakur, Bruce Bumble, Yen-Yung Chang | Summary: Phonon-mediated particle detectors employing Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) on Silicon substrates have demonstrated both O(10) eV energy resolution and mm position resolution, making them strong candidates for instrumenting next generation rare-event experiments such as […]

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Probing material absorption and optical nonlinearity of integrated photonic materials

Kavli Affiliate: Kerry J. Vahala | First 5 Authors: Maodong Gao, Qi-Fan Yang, Qing-Xin Ji, Heming Wang, Lue Wu | Summary: Optical microresonators with high quality ($Q$) factors are essential to a wide range of integrated photonic devices. Steady efforts have been directed towards increasing microresonator $Q$ factors across a variety of platforms. With success […]

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Frequency conversion of abruptly autofocusing waves

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Wei Gao, Dong-Mei Wang, Hai-Jun Wu, Dong-Sheng Ding, Carmelo Rosales-Guzmán | Summary: Abruptly autofocusing waves and associated ring-Airy (RA) beams are attracting increasing interest owing to their advantages in focusing abruptness and small F-number. Optical frequency conversion via parametric interactions can further expand their application areas, yet […]

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Probing Hot Gas Components of Circumgalactic Medium in Cosmological Simulations with the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich Effect

Kavli Affiliate: Sunil Golwala | First 5 Authors: Junhan Kim, Sunil Golwala, James G. Bartlett, Stefania Amodeo, Nicholas Battaglia | Summary: The thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (tSZ) effect is a powerful tool with the potential for constraining directly the properties of the hot gas that dominates dark matter halos because it measures pressure and thus thermal energy […]

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Global optimization of multilayer dielectric coatings for precision measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Gautam Venugopalan, Koji Arai, Rana X Adhikari, , | Summary: We describe the design of optimized multilayer dielectric coatings for precision laser interferometry. By setting up an appropriate cost function and then using a global optimizer to find a minimum in the parameter space, we were […]

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Global optimization of multilayer dielectric coatings for precision measurements

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Gautam Venugopalan, Francisco Salces-Cárcoba, Koji Arai, Rana X Adhikari, | Summary: We describe the design of optimized multilayer dielectric coatings for precision laser interferometry. By setting up an appropriate cost function and then using a global optimizer to find a minimum in the parameter space, we […]

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Fracture Diodes: Directional asymmetry of fracture toughness

Kavli Affiliate: G. Ravichandran | First 5 Authors: N. R. Brodnik, S. Brach, C. M. Long, G. Ravichandran, B. Bourdin | Summary: Toughness describes the ability of a material to resist fracture or crack propagation. It is demonstrated here that fracture toughness of a material can be asymmetric, i.e., the resistance of a medium to […]

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Sparse metapiles for shear wave attenuation in half-spaces

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Paolo Celli, Ilaria Nunzi, Andrea Calabrese, Stefano Lenci, Chiara Daraio | Summary: We show that shear waves traveling towards the surface of a half-space medium can be attenuated via buried one-dimensional arrays of resonators — here called metapiles — arranged according to sparse patterns around a site […]

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