Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment by Frisch and Segrè using the von Neumann equation

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: S. Süleyman Kahraman, Kelvin Titimbo, Zhe He, Jung-Tsung Shen, Lihong V. Wang | Summary: The multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segr`e has been modeled analytically using quantum mechanics by Majorana and revised by Rabi by including the hyperfine interaction. However, the theoretical predictions do […]

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Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segrè

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: S. Süleyman Kahraman, Kelvin Titimbo, Zhe He, Jung-Tsung Shen, Lihong V. Wang | Summary: Multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiments provide cascaded quantum measurements. The multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segr`e has been modeled analytically using quantum mechanics by Majorana and revised by Rabi by including the […]

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Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segrè

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: S. Süleyman Kahraman, Kelvin Titimbo, Zhe He, Jung-Tsung Shen, Lihong V. Wang | Summary: The multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segr`e includes two cascaded quantum measurements with a nonadiabatic flipper in between. The Frisch and Segr`e experiment has been modeled analytically by Majorana without […]

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Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segrè

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: S. Süleyman Kahraman, Kelvin Titimbo, Zhe He, Jung-Tsung Shen, Lihong V. Wang | Summary: The multi-stage Stern$unicode{x2013}$Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segr`e includes two cascaded quantum measurements with a nonadiabatic flipper in between. The Frisch and Segr`e experiment has been modeled analytically by Majorana without […]

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Improving Conversational Recommender System via Contextual and Time-Aware Modeling with Less Domain-Specific Knowledge

Kavli Affiliate: Wei Gao | First 5 Authors: Lingzhi Wang, Shafiq Joty, Wei Gao, Xingshan Zeng, Kam-Fai Wong | Summary: Conversational Recommender Systems (CRS) has become an emerging research topic seeking to perform recommendations through interactive conversations, which generally consist of generation and recommendation modules. Prior work on CRS tends to incorporate more external and […]

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Photoacoustic vector tomography for deep hemodynamic imaging

Kavli Affiliate: Lihong V. Wang | First 5 Authors: Yang Zhang, Joshua Olick-Gibson, Anjul Khadria, Lihong V. Wang, | Summary: Non-invasive imaging of deep blood vessels for mapping hemodynamics remains an open quest in biomedical optical imaging. Although pure optical imaging techniques offer rich optical contrast of blood and have been reported to measure blood […]

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3D-Patterned Inverse-Designed Mid-Infrared Metaoptics

Kavli Affiliate: Andrei Faraon | First 5 Authors: Gregory Roberts, Conner Ballew, Tianzhe Zheng, Juan C. Garcia, Sarah Camayd-Muñoz | Summary: Modern imaging systems can be enhanced in efficiency, compactness, and application through introduction of multilayer nanopatterned structures for manipulation of light based on its fundamental properties. High transmission efficiency multispectral imaging is surprisingly elusive […]

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Dynamics of Time-Modulated, Nonlinear Phononic Lattices

Kavli Affiliate: Chiara Daraio | First 5 Authors: Brian L. Kim, Christoper Chong, Setare Hajarolasvadi, Yifan Wang, Chiara Daraio | Summary: The propagation of acoustic and elastic waves in time-varying, spatially homogeneous media can exhibit different phenomena when compared to traditional spatially-varying, temporally-homogeneous media. In the present work, the response of a one-dimensional phononic lattice […]

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Ab Initio Calculations of XUV Ground and Excited States for First-Row Transition Metal Oxides

Kavli Affiliate: Scott K. Cushing | First 5 Authors: Isabel M. Klein, Alex Krotz, Jonathan M. Michelsen, Scott K. Cushing, | Summary: Transient X-ray spectroscopies have become ubiquitous in studying photoexcited dynamics in solar energy materials due to their sensitivity to carrier occupations and local chemical or structural dynamics. The interpretation of solid-state photoexcited dynamics, […]

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Quantum precision limits of displacement noise free interferometers

Kavli Affiliate: Rana X. Adhikari | First 5 Authors: Tuvia Gefen, Rajashik Tarafder, Rana X. Adhikari, Yanbei Chen, | Summary: Current laser-interferometric gravitational wave detectors suffer from a fundamental limit to their precision due to the displacement noise of optical elements contributed by various sources. Several schemes for Displacement-Noise Free Interferometers (DFI) have been proposed […]

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