X-ray Polarization of the BL Lac Type Blazar 1ES 0229+200

Kavli Affiliate: Roger W. Romani | First 5 Authors: Steven R. Ehlert, Ioannis Liodakis, Riccardo Middei, Alan P. Marscher, Fabrizio Tavecchio | Summary: We present polarization measurements in the $2-8 thinspace mathrm{keV}$ band from blazar 1ES 0229+200, the first extreme high synchrotron peaked source to be observed by the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE). Combining […]

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The Superconducting Quasiparticle-Amplifying Transmon: A Qubit-Based Sensor for meV Scale Phonons and Single THz Photons

Kavli Affiliate: Noah A. Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Caleb W. Fink, Chiara Salemi, Betty A. Young, David I. Schuster, Noah A. Kurinsky | Summary: With great interest from the quantum computing community, an immense amount of R&D effort has been invested into improving superconducting qubits. The technologies developed for the design and fabrication of […]

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The Superconducting Quasiparticle-Amplifying Transmon: A Qubit-Based Sensor for meV Scale Phonons and Single THz Photons

Kavli Affiliate: Noah A. Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Caleb W. Fink, Chiara P. Salemi, Betty A. Young, David I. Schuster, Noah A. Kurinsky | Summary: With great interest from the quantum computing community, an immense amount of R&D effort has been invested into improving superconducting qubits. The technologies developed for the design and fabrication […]

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The Superconducting Quasiparticle-Amplifying Transmon: A Qubit-Based Sensor for meV Scale Phonons and Single THz Photons

Kavli Affiliate: Noah A. Kurinsky | First 5 Authors: Caleb W. Fink, Chiara P. Salemi, Betty A. Young, David I. Schuster, Noah A. Kurinsky | Summary: With great interest from the quantum computing community, an immense amount of R&D effort has been invested into improving superconducting qubits. The technologies developed for the design and fabrication […]

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Small-scale signatures of primordial non-Gaussianity in k-Nearest Neighbour cumulative distribution functions

Kavli Affiliate: Tom Abel | First 5 Authors: William R. Coulton, Tom Abel, Arka Banerjee, , | Summary: Searches for primordial non-Gaussianity in cosmological perturbations are a key means of revealing novel primordial physics. However, robustly extracting signatures of primordial non-Gaussianity from non-linear scales of the late-time Universe is an open problem. In this paper, […]

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First X-ray polarization measurement confirms the low black-hole spin in LMC X-3

Kavli Affiliate: Nicola Omodei | First 5 Authors: Jiří Svoboda, Michal Dovčiak, James F. Steiner, Fabio Muleri, Adam Ingram | Summary: X-ray polarization is a powerful tool to investigate the geometry of accreting material around black holes, allowing independent measurements of the black hole spin and orientation of the innermost parts of the accretion disk. […]

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The Kinematic Structure of Magnetically Aligned HI Filaments

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Doyeon Avery Kim, Susan E Clark, Mary E Putman, Larry Li, | Summary: We characterize the kinematic and magnetic properties of HI filaments located in a high Galactic latitude region ($165^circ < alpha < 195^circ$ and $12^circ < delta < 24^circ$). We extract three-dimensional filamentary structures […]

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A new method for spatially resolving the turbulence driving mixture in the ISM with application to the Small Magellanic Cloud

Kavli Affiliate: Susan E. Clark | First 5 Authors: Isabella A. Gerrard, Christoph Federrath, Nickolas M. Pingel, Naomi M. McClure-Griffiths, Antoine Marchal | Summary: Turbulence plays a crucial role in shaping the structure of the interstellar medium. The ratio of the three-dimensional density contrast ($sigma_{rho/rho_0}$) to the turbulent sonic Mach number ($mathcal{M}$) of an isothermal, […]

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A Hierarchical Framework for explaining the Cosmic Ray Spectrum using Diffusive Shock Acceleration

Kavli Affiliate: Roger Blandford | First 5 Authors: Roger Blandford, Paul Simeon, Noémie Globus, Payel Mukhopadhyay, Enrico Peretti | Summary: The hypothesis that the entire cosmic ray spectrum, from $lesssim1,{rm GeV}$ to $gtrsim100,{rm EeV}$ energy, can be accounted for by diffusive shock acceleration on increasingly large scales is critically examined. Specifically, it is conjectured that […]

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