The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Key Results

Kavli Affiliate: Linhua Jiang | First 5 Authors: Yue Shen, Catherine J. Grier, Keith Horne, Zachary Stone, Jennifer I. Li | Summary: We present the final data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project, a precursor to the SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper Reverberation Mapping program. This data set includes 11-year photometric and […]

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The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project: Key Results

Kavli Affiliate: Luis C. Ho | First 5 Authors: Yue Shen, Catherine J. Grier, Keith Horne, Zachary Stone, Jennifer I. Li | Summary: We present the final data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping (SDSS-RM) project, a precursor to the SDSS-V Black Hole Mapper Reverberation Mapping program. This data set includes 11-year photometric […]

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Constrain the Dark Matter Distribution of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies with Globular-Cluster Mass Segregation: A Case Study with NGC5846-UDG1

Jinning Liang, Fangzhou Jiang, Shany Danieli, Andrew Benson, Phil Hopkins | Summary: [[{“value”:”The properties of globular clusters (GCs) contain valuable information of their host galaxies and dark-matter halos. In the remarkable example of ultra-diffuse galaxy, NGC5846-UDG1, the GC population exhibits strong radial mass segregation, indicative of dynamical-friction-driven orbital decay, which opens the possibility of using […]

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Constrain the Dark Matter Distribution of Ultra-diffuse Galaxies with Globular-Cluster Mass Segregation: A Case Study with NGC5846-UDG1

Jinning Liang, Fangzhou Jiang, Shany Danieli, Andrew Benson, Phil Hopkins | Summary: [[{“value”:”The properties of globular clusters (GCs) contain valuable information of their host galaxies and dark-matter halos. In the remarkable example of ultra-diffuse galaxy, NGC5846-UDG1, the GC population exhibits strong radial mass segregation, indicative of dynamical-friction-driven orbital decay, which opens the possibility of using […]

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Constraints on the Local Cosmic Void from the Pantheon Supernovae Data

Kavli Affiliate: Ke Wang | First 5 Authors: Ke Wang, Kun-Peng Chen, Morgan Le Delliou, , | Summary: In principle, the local cosmic void can be simply modeled by the spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. In practice, the real local cosmic void is probably not spherically symmetric. In this paper, to reconstruct a more realistic […]

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Time-Interleaved C-band Co-Propagation of Quantum and Classical Channels

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: , , , , | Summary: A successful commercial deployment of quantum key distribution (QKD) technologies requires integrating QKD links into existing fibers and sharing the same fiber networks with classical data traffic. To mitigate the spontaneous Raman scattering (SpRS) noise from classical data channels, several quantum/classical […]

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FreMIM: Fourier Transform Meets Masked Image Modeling for Medical Image Segmentation

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Wenxuan Wang, Jing Wang, Chen Chen, Jianbo Jiao, Yuanxiu Cai | Summary: The research community has witnessed the powerful potential of self-supervised Masked Image Modeling (MIM), which enables the models capable of learning visual representation from unlabeled data. In this paper, to incorporate both the crucial global […]

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Measuring the Hubble Constant Using Strongly Lensed Gravitational Wave Signals

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Shun-Jia Huang, Yi-Ming Hu, Xian Chen, Jian-dong Zhang, En-Kun Li | Summary: The measurement of the Hubble constant $H_0$ plays an important role in the study of cosmology. In this letter, we propose a new method to constrain the Hubble constant using the strongly lensed gravitational wave […]

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Transverse momentum dependent shape function for $J/ψ$ production in SIDIS

Kavli Affiliate: Feng Yuan | First 5 Authors: Daniël Boer, Jelle Bor, Luca Maxia, Cristian Pisano, Feng Yuan | Summary: It has been shown previously that the transverse momentum dependent (TMD) factorization of heavy quarkonium production requires a TMD shape function. Its perturbative tail can be extracted by matching the cross sections valid at low […]

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Extended thermodynamics of the bumblebee black holes

Kavli Affiliate: Lijing Shao | First 5 Authors: Zhan-Feng Mai, Rui Xu, Dicong Liang, Lijing Shao, | Summary: As a vector-tensor theory including nonminimal coupling between the Ricci tensor and a vector field, the bumblebee gravity is a potential theory to test Lorentz symmetry violation. Recently, a new class of numerical spherical black holes in […]

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