From haloes to galaxies — II. The fundamental relations in star formation and quenching

Kavli Affiliate: Yingjie Peng | First 5 Authors: Jing Dou, Yingjie Peng, Alvio Renzini, Luis C. Ho, Filippo Mannucci | Summary: Star formation and quenching are two of the most important processes in galaxy formation and evolution. We explore in the local Universe the interrelationships among key integrated galaxy properties, including stellar mass $M_*$, star […]

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On the accuracy of the ALMA flux calibration in the time domain and across spectral windows

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Logan Francis, Doug Johnstone, Gregory Herczeg, Todd R. Hunter, Daniel Harsono | Summary: A diverse array of science goals require accurate flux calibration of observations with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter array (ALMA), however, this goal remains challenging due to the stochastic time-variability of the “grid” quasars ALMA […]

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Teacher-Critical Training Strategies for Image Captioning

Kavli Affiliate: Jiansheng Chen | First 5 Authors: Yiqing Huang, Jiansheng Chen, , , | Summary: Existing image captioning models are usually trained by cross-entropy (XE) loss and reinforcement learning (RL), which set ground-truth words as hard targets and force the captioning model to learn from them. However, the widely adopted training strategies suffer from […]

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The First Extensive Spectroscopic Study of Young Stars in the North America and Pelican Nebulae Region

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Min Fang, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Jinyoung Serena Kim, Krzysztof Findeisen, Gregory J. Herczeg | Summary: We present a spectroscopic survey of over 3400 potential members in the North America and Pelican nebulae (NAP) using several low-resolution ($Rapprox$ 1300-2000) spectrographs: Palomar/Norris, WIYN/HYDRA, Keck/DEIMOS, and MMT/Hectospec. We identify […]

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Accurate and Lightweight Image Super-Resolution with Model-Guided Deep Unfolding Network

Kavli Affiliate: Li Xin Li | First 5 Authors: Qian Ning, Weisheng Dong, Guangming Shi, Leida Li, Xin Li | Summary: Deep neural networks (DNNs) based methods have achieved great success in single image super-resolution (SISR). However, existing state-of-the-art SISR techniques are designed like black boxes lacking transparency and interpretability. Moreover, the improvement in visual […]

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Young Faithful: The Eruptions of EC 53 as It Cycles through Filling and Draining the Inner Disk

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory Herczeg | First 5 Authors: Yong-Hee Lee, Doug Johnstone, Jeong-Eun Lee, Gregory Herczeg, Steve Mairs | Summary: While young stellar objects sometimes undergo bursts of accretion, these bursts usually occur sporadically, making them challenging to study observationally and to explain theoretically. We build a schematic description of cyclical bursts of the young […]

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Mapping the Galactic disk with the LAMOST and $Gaia$ Red clump sample: V: On the origin of the “young” [$α$/Fe]-enhanced stars

Kavli Affiliate: Huawei Zhang | First 5 Authors: Weixiang Sun, Yang Huang, Haifeng Wang, Chun Wang, Meng Zhang | Summary: Using a sample of nearly 140,000 primary red clump stars selected from the LAMOST and $Gaia$ surveys, we have identified a large sample of "young" [$alpha$/Fe]-enhanced stars with stellar ages younger than 6.0 Gyr and […]

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Intermediate Mass Black Hole Formation in compact Young Massive Star Clusters

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Spurzem | First 5 Authors: Francesco Paolo Rizzuto, Thorsten Naab, Rainer Spurzem, Mirek Giersz, J. P. Ostriker | Summary: Young dense massive star clusters are a promising environment for the formation of intermediate mass black holes (IMBHs) through collisions. We present a set of 80 simulations carried out with Nbody6++GPU of 10 […]

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Merging of Unequal Mass Binary Black Holes in Non-Axisymmetric Galactic Nuclei

Kavli Affiliate: Rainer Spurzem | First 5 Authors: Peter Berczik, Manuel Arca Sedda, Margaryta Sobolenko, Marina Ishchenko, Olexander Sobodar | Summary: In this work we study the stellar-dynamical hardening of unequal mass supermassive black hole (SMBH) binaries in the central regions of galactic nuclei. We present a comprehensive set of direct N-body simulations of the […]

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Merging stellar and intermediate-mass black holes in dense clusters: implications for LIGO, LISA and the next generation of gravitational wave detectors

Kavli Affiliate: Xian Chen | First 5 Authors: Manuel Arca-Sedda, Pau Amaro-Seoane, Xian Chen, , | Summary: We study the formation of intermediate-mass ratio inspirals (IMRIs) triggered by the interactions between two stellar black holes (BHs) and an intermediate-mass BH (IMBH) inhabiting the centre of a dense star cluster. We exploit $N$-body models varying the […]

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