Forecast of Neutrino Cosmology from the CSST Photometric Galaxy Clustering and Cosmic Shear Surveys

Kavli Affiliate: Hu Zhan | First 5 Authors: Hengjie Lin, Yan Gong, Xuelei Chen, Kwan Chuen Chan, Zuhui Fan | Summary: China Space Station Telescope (CSST) is a forthcoming powerful Stage IV space-based optical survey equipment. It is expected to explore a number of important cosmological problems in extremely high precision. In this work, we […]

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Accretion Variability as a Guide to Stellar Mass Assembly

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: William J. Fischer, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Gregory J. Herczeg, Doug Johnstone, Ágnes Kóspál | Summary: Variable accretion in young stellar objects reveals itself photometrically and spectroscopically over a continuum of timescales and amplitudes. Most dramatic are the large outbursts (e.g., FU Ori, V1647 Ori, and EX […]

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Accretion Variability as a Guide to Stellar Mass Assembly

Kavli Affiliate: Gregory J. Herczeg | First 5 Authors: William J. Fischer, Lynne A. Hillenbrand, Gregory J. Herczeg, Doug Johnstone, Ágnes Kóspál | Summary: Variable accretion in young stellar objects reveals itself photometrically and spectroscopically over a continuum of timescales and amplitudes. Most dramatic are the large outbursts (e.g., FU Ori, V1647 Ori, and EX […]

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Active control of thermal emission by graphene-nanowire coupled plasmonic metasurfaces

Kavli Affiliate: Zhuo Li | First 5 Authors: Jiayu Li, Zhuo Li, Xiu Liu, Stanislav Maslovski, Sheng Shen | Summary: Metasurfaces, together with graphene plasmonics, have become prominent for the emissivity control in thermal engineering, both passively through changing the geometric parameters and packing density of the metasurfaces, and actively through graphene gating or doping. […]

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On the Connection between Supermassive Black Hole and Galaxy Growth in the Reionization Epoch

Kavli Affiliate: Kohei Inayoshi | First 5 Authors: Junyao Li, John D. Silverman, Takuma Izumi, Wanqiu He, Masayuki Akiyama | Summary: The correlation between the mass of supermassive black holes (SMBHs; $mathcal{M}_{rm BH}$) and their host galaxies ($mathcal{M}_star$) in the reionization epoch provides valuable constraints on how their growth are jointly assembled in the early […]

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Absorption Variability of the Highly Obscured Active Galactic Nucleus NGC 4507

Kavli Affiliate: Claudio Ricci | First 5 Authors: Arghajit Jana, Claudio Ricci, Sachindra Naik, Atsushi Tanimoto, Neeraj Kumari | Summary: We present a detailed study of the highly obscured active galaxy NGC 4507, performed using four Nuclear Spectroscopic Telescope Array (NuSTAR) observations carried out between May and August in 2015 (~ 130 ks in total). […]

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BIOS: An Algorithmically Generated Biomedical Knowledge Graph

Kavli Affiliate: Jing Wang | First 5 Authors: Sheng Yu, Zheng Yuan, Jun Xia, Shengxuan Luo, Huaiyuan Ying | Summary: Biomedical knowledge graphs (BioMedKGs) are essential infrastructures for biomedical and healthcare big data and artificial intelligence (AI), facilitating natural language processing, model development, and data exchange. For many decades, these knowledge graphs have been built […]

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Radio pulsations from a neutron star within the gamma-ray binary LS I +61$^{circ}$ 303

Kavli Affiliate: Renxin Xu | First 5 Authors: Shan-Shan Weng, Lei Qian, Bo-Jun Wang, D. F. Torres, A. Papitto | Summary: LS I +61$^{circ}$ 303 is one of the rare gamma-ray binaries, emitting most of their luminosity in photons with energies beyond 100 MeV. The $sim$26.5 d orbital period is clearly detected at many wavelengths. […]

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CHANG-ES XXV: HI Imaging of Nearby Edge-on Galaxies — Data Release 4

Kavli Affiliate: Ran Wang | First 5 Authors: Yun Zheng, Jing Wang, Judith Irwin, Jayanne English, Qingchuan Ma | Summary: We present the HI distribution of galaxies from the Continuum Halos in Nearby Galaxies – an EVLA Survey (CHANG-ES). Though the observational mode was not optimized for detecting HI, we successfully produce HI cubes for […]

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